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Dashie joined the chatroom.

Dashie: you won't believe!😂😂

Sunsetonfire joined the chatroom.
Fashionista joined the chatroom.

Sunsetonfire: I don't want to😒

Twilight joined the chatroom.
Fluttershy joined the chatroom.
Pinkiesense joined the chatroom.

Dashie: it's hilarious!
Pinkiesense: what is it?😀
Dashie: this

Fashionista: omg!😂Pinkiesense: lolTwilight: LMAO!Fluttershy: 😄Sunsetonfire: 😂😂😂Dashie: see I told you!😂Dashie: gotta run!😯

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Fashionista: omg!😂
Pinkiesense: lol
Twilight: LMAO!
Fluttershy: 😄
Sunsetonfire: 😂😂😂
Dashie: see I told you!😂
Dashie: gotta run!😯

Dashie left the chatroom.

Apples joined the chatroom.

Apples: WHO PUT MY PIC?!!
Fluttershy: ...
Twilight: rainbow dash did 😂😂
Fashionista: yup!
Pinkiesense: Dashie did

Dashie joined the chatroom.

Dashie: pinkie how many times have I told you not to call me dashie!

Pinkiesense: why?😮😕
Apples: you're going down dashie!😡😤
Dashie: you're going to frown!
Apples: shut up!
Fashionista: stop fighting!
Apples: 😬
Dashie: she started it!😂
Twilight: that's it you two!

Twilight kicked Dashie out of the chatroom.
Twilight kicked Apples out of the chatroom.

Twilight: much better!😃
Fashionista: Darling we better get ready for the 'thing'...

Sunsetonfire: we should😛
Fluttershy: there are only 5 days left...
Pinkiesense: for what?😕
Sunsetonfire: nothing pinkie... Nothing😅
Pinkiesense: really
Twilight: yes

Fluttershy: I... I don't know...😣

Fluttershy left the chatroom.

Sunsetonfire: good job pinkie!😠
Pinkiesense: ehh 😅

Fashionista left the chatroom.
Twilight left the chatroom.
Sunsetonfire left the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: bye bye😢

Pinkiesense left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now