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The Author has entered the group chat.

Author: oh heyya fellas! This is a bonus chapter since ya'll really like this chatroom! 

Author: Now let's play tricks on these girls *inserts evil laugh*


The Author has added SprinklesWithPringles to the group chat.

Author: hey pinkie!

SprinklesWithPrinkles: Oh heyya
SprinklesWithPringles: I see you have changed your name 0w0

Author: Well you did too O.o
Author: It's only fair if I can too! UwU

SprinklesWithPringles: so what's the plan?

Author: Oh yesh!
Author: But I'm not spilling the tea on the group

SprinklesWithPringles: ooooh hop on call!!

Author: Clear with the plan soldier!?

SprinklesWithPringles: YES MA'AM!

The Author has added Twily to the group chat.

The Author has added BetterThanYou to the group chat.

The Author added sunsetonfire to the group chat.

The Author added RareGem to the group chat.

The Author added AppleBucket to the group chat.

The Author added FluttersWithButters to the group chat.

The Author made SprinklesWithPringles the group admin.

The Author has left the group chat.

Twily: uhhh

sunsetonfire: weren't we done with this group chat?

BetterThanYou: I thought that too

AppleBucket: Now who in the hay is "The Author"

RareGem: Do you have any idea how the notifications of this chat messed up my dress!?

FluttersWithButters: Oh I'm sorry Rarity, we all are.

RareGem: Oh it's not your fault darling, no need to be sorry

Twily: Fluttershy?

FluttersWithButters: Yes Twilight?

Twily: Did Pinkie happen to change your username?

FluttersWithButters: Oh yes!
FluttersWithButters: She said this username matched my personality perfectly!

BetterThanYou: Oh so thoughtful of her -_-

FluttersWithButters: I know! I'll never change my username now!

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now