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   Twilight joined "love pinkie".
Fashionista joined " love pinkie".
Dashie joined "love pinkie".
Fluttershy joined "love pinkie".

Fashionista:  soo you guys are here?

Twilight:  ofcourse it's your big night.

Dashie: I'm looking forward for the football outfits.😜

Fluttershy: my battery is 1•\.

Fashionista: ofcourse Daring, it's gonna be fabulous.

Twilight: did you finish the nerdy looks?

Fashionista:  yes and I just  know you're gonna like it.

Twilight:  K, I'm starting a video chat.

Fashionista:  ok
Dashie:  k

  Twilight started the video chat.

         speaking in  video call:

Fashionista: haha you're at the flower shop twilight!

twilight: Humph...
dashie: lol
Fashionista: fluttershy with you?
twilight: yeah
dashie: now I get it...

twilight: wait... wait...
dashie: WHAT?!
twilight: is that pinkie behind you?

dashie: me?
twilight: no rarity she seems to be on the balloon pop stand

Fashionista: no way!
dashie: let's all gather there
              video call ended

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