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Innerdemon joined the chatroom.
Fashionista joined the chatroom.
CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.

Fashionista: I can't believe it!
Innerdemon: how can she be so rude?!
CHSTwilight: she just startled me by the way she talked!
Fashionista: I'm not visiting her ever  again!
CHSTwilight: me too
Innerdemon: we shouldn't have visited her anyways
CHSTwilight: it was all your idea!! Forgetting?!
Fashionista: darlings! Lets not fight cause of her
CHSTwilight: you're right rarity... I'm sorry Sunset
Innerdemon: doesn't matter I know we're all stressed cause of her

Awesomeness joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: watcha talkin about? Eh?

Fashionista: give us a minute darling
CHSTwilight: this is not who she was!
Innerdemon: how can she change?

Awesomeness: so who changed????

CHSTwilight: shut up rainbowdash!
CHSTwilight: leave us alone!

Awesomeness left the chatroom.
Apples joined the chatroom.

Apples: what did ya gals do?
Innerdemon:  what?
Apples: what happened to RD?
CHSTwilight: like I know

Apples: read the messages above
Innerdemon: uh oh
CHSTwilight: she's not gonna talk to us is she?
Apples: no.
Innerdemon: *sigh*
CHSTwilight: ...
Apples: say what were ya gals talkin' 'bout?

Fashionista: well 'the show' of course!

CHSTwilight:  yea
Apples: aggghhhhh
Innerdemon: we should  probably apologize

Apples: no, not now
CHSTwilight: oki
Fashionista: bye...

Apples left the chatroom.
Fashionista left the chatroom.
CHSTwilight left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now