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Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: princess twilight?

Innerdemon: are you free?

PrincessTwilight joined the chatroom.

PrincessTwilight: yes sunset?
Innerdemon: have you read the older messages?

PrincessTwilight: no
PrincessTwilight: let me read

(5 mins later)

PrincessTwilight: oh my celestia!

Innerdemon: can you help?
PrincessTwilight: ofcourse, its a friendship problem!

Innerdemon: but how are we fonna solve it...

PrincessTwilight: talk to me in personal I'll explain

Innerdemon: okay.

PrincessTwilight left the chatroom.
Innerdemon left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now