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  PartyQueen joined the chatroom.

PartyQueen: that was the best party ever!!!!!!

                                      awesomeness joined the chatroom.

Awesomeness: I know right!
PartyQueen: u guys threw the best birthday party ever!!

CHSTwilight joined the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: did u have fun?
PartyQueen: fun?!
PartyQueen: more fun than eating a marshmellow on the campfire on a clear night!!

Awesomeness: ...
CHSTwilight: well atleast you had fun

Innerdemon joined the chatroom.

Innerdemon: whoa.
PartyQueen: thank you guys soooooooo much!

Awesomeness: nah it was nothing

CHSTwilight: funnnnnnn
Innerdemon: your welcome 😊

PartyQueen: well I am going on silent mode as usual and read your messages

Awesomeness: ???
PartyQueen: just pretend I'm not here!

Innerdemon: hard to do that
CHSTwilight: funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Awesomeness: Twilight you're creeping me out

Innerdemon: yeah, me too
CHSTwilight: funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Wizard joined the chatroom.
Star joined the chatroom.
PrincessTwilight joined the chatroom.

Star: happy birthday pinkie!
PrincessTwilight: happy birthday may you have an adventurous, happy life!

Wizard: happy birthday pinkie pie!

PartyQueen: awww thanks you guys!

PrincessTwilight left the chatroom.
Wizard left the chatroom.
Star left the chatroom.
GardenerGirl1 joined the chatroom.

GardenerGirl1: happy birthday pinkie!

PartyQueen: thank you!

GardenerGirl1 left the chatroom.

CHSTwilight: funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Awesomeness: agghhh

All left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now