Chapter Seventeen: A Chocolate Covered Kiss

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Hey guys! I wrote a kind of long chapter today (1,269 words and 3 pages on Word) to make up for the last two short ones, so I hope you like it. As always, comment, vote, and fan! Also, this chapter is dedicated to Jill_Tomlinson because she comments on every chapter and always reads! Ok, enjoy! xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooo


The next day, I was allowed to leave the hospital, so Harry picked me up and we went to my apartment. We walked inside and I asked, “Have you eaten lunch?” He replied that he hadn’t so we decided to make spaghetti. I got out the noodles and he started boiling water. We heated up the sauce and after we were done making it and eating, we decided to make brownies.

We got out all of the ingredients and I reached into the flour bag while Harry wasn’t looking. He turned around and I flicked it in his face. I started to laugh while looking at his white hair and face. He proceeded to smear melted chocolate across my face and we laughed at each other’s appearances. He stopped laughing and kissed my chocolate covered lips. When he pulled back, his lips were covered in chocolate, too. I pointed that out and he went to get a napkin.

“I got it.” I said and leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was sweet, literally, and I loved how we could play around together all of the time. When we pulled apart, I realized that our ingredients were all over each other instead of the brownies so we cleaned up and went to the grocery store.

After we got to the grocery store, Harry opened my car door and intertwined our fingers.

“Harry?” I asked.

“Yeah?” Harry replied.

“You still have chocolate on your face.” I said with a laugh and leant in to kiss it off of his cheek. He smiled.

“I should get covered in chocolate more often.” he said cheekily. I laughed and playfully slapped his arm. We quickly found the ingredients, but we decided to just buy premade brownies and take them over to the boys.

“I’ll be right back.” said Harry mischievously after we had checked out and went to the car. I sat in the front seat and waited while he went back into the store. About two minutes later, he came back with something behind his back and walked to my car door. He opened the door and pulled out a bouquet of a dozen red roses. I leapt up and hugged him.

“Thanks! You are so sweet, Harry.” I said and pecked his lips. He smiled and pulled me closer, deepening our kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his on my waist. After a minute or so, I heard a throat being cleared and pulled away. An elderly couple was looking at us distastefully and I blushed. I got into the car so that they could get their car which was parked next to us.  As soon as they left the parking lot, I said, “That was so embarrassing!” I looked at Harry and he was laughing. I smiled, too and we drove to Harry and Louis’ flat.

We soon arrived at the flat and walked inside holding hands and I held the brownies. Harry unlocked the door and we went into the kitchen and set the brownies down. Almost immediately, Niall ran down the stairs screaming, “FOOD!” as if he hadn’t eaten for days.

“I love you Isabel!” he yelled and hugged me.

“What about me? I bought them too.” said Harry indignantly with a pout.

“I love you too Hazza!” Niall said and hugged him. I chuckled at their childish behavior and Louis and Liam joined us too. They all grabbed brownies and I noticed Zayn was missing yet again.

“Where’s Zayn?” I asked. Harry looked over sharply.

“You should probably leave him alone.” he said with a tone of jealousy in his voice.

“Liam, where is he?” I asked. Harry glared at him. I stepped in front of Harry and said, “Where?”

“Guest bedroom.” Liam admitted a bit nervously.

“I’ll be right back.” I said.

“No! You shouldn’t go up there alone.” Harry exclaimed while grabbing my hand. I shook him off.

“It’s my fault you guys are fighting and I’m going to fix it. Do you trust me?” I asked.

“Of course, it’s just-” Harry started.

“Then let me talk to him.” I said. He sighed in defeat and I walked upstairs. I felt Harry’s eyes on me and I turned around. “I’m fine.” I said firmly. I continued on and went to the guest bedroom. I walked in and Zayn was sitting on the bed with a sketchpad while facing the wall across from the door. I crept up behind him and saw what he was drawing. My eyes widened as I saw that the picture was of me. It looked so professional that I almost mistook it for a photograph. A teardrop fell onto the drawing and I realized that he was crying. I coughed and Zayn looked up quickly. He slammed the book shut and wiped his face.

“What are you doing in here?” he asked anxiously.

“I wanted to talk to you.” I stated. He nodded and turned on the bed to face me. I sat down also.

“This fight between you and Harry is ridiculous. I’m not worth breaking up your friendship.” I told him.

“It’s not ridiculous, and you are worth it. We both love you, Harry is just the one who asked first and I’ll always be thinking about what could have happened if I had asked you first.” Zayn told me with passion in his eyes. I looked away.

“Please, Zayn. Can you and Harry just try to get along? I mean, you’re in a band together! You have to get along.” I said.

“Fine. Just tell me one thing.” he said.

“Sure.” I answered.

“Do you love him?” Zayn asked and stared into my eyes.

“Of course I do!” I responded.

“Do you have any feelings at all for me?” he questioned. I looked away again. Of course I loved Harry, but there was a different kind of feeling for Zayn. And I had no idea what that feeling was. But I couldn’t hurt Harry.

“No.” I lied. I looked at him and he looked crushed. “I’m really sorry Zayn. I can’t hurt Harry. Can we be friends?” I asked him with hope in my voice.

“Sure. Friends.” Zayn said with a hint of sadness in his tone. We hugged and I stood up to leave. Unexpectedly, Zayn grabbed my arm and spun me around. He kissed me lustfully on the lips and grabbed my waist. It was an amazing kiss, with new kinds of feelings I had never had with Harry. Harry. I came to my senses as soon as I thought of Harry and backed away.

“Tell me you didn’t feel anything.” Zayn stated and stared at me. I quickly turned and left the room. When I got back to the kitchen, a tidal wave of guilt crashed over me and I went over to Harry.

“Did everything go alright?” he asked me with an intense stare.

“Yeah. We’re good.” I lied. He smiled and again, the guilt came. I was lying to this perfect boy and he had no clue. I asked Harry if he could drive me to my apartment and he agreed. The car ride was slightly awkward with small talk created by Harry. I tried my best to hide my feelings from him and I was grateful for the short car ride. We reached my apartment and Harry walked me to my door. He kissed me softly on the lips and I pulled away quickly. I smiled at him and went inside, shutting the door behind me. Why did love have to be so difficult? Dammit Zayn. I thought.

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