Chapter Twenty Two: A Prank

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“Isabel. ISABEL.” someone whispered in my ear. I shot up and punched the person next to me in the stomach.

“What the fu- Oh, Louis. What do you want?” I said to the boy rolling on the ground in pain. He got up slowly and motioned for me to come to the kitchen.

“We’re going to play a few pranks.” he said with a mischievous smile. I looked at the kitchen clock and saw that it was 4:15am.

“Do you know what time it is?” I exclaimed. He waved that off and told me to get my makeup. After I had retrieved it, I returned to the kitchen and saw that he had shaving cream and honey.

“So, here’s the plan.” Louis started.

Fifteen minutes later, we had put makeup on Harry and Niall and covered Liam and Zayn in shaving cream and honey. Harry and Niall looked quite pretty, if I say so myself, with their glittery eye shadow, red lipstick, mascara, and blush. Liam and Zayn had shaving cream wigs and bras and we had spread honey over them. We tried to contain our laughter until we got away from the boys. We both ran to Louis’ room and immediately burst out laughing. After a few minutes of hysterical laughter, the door opened and a tired Niall walked in.

“What’s going on?” he asked while rubbing his make-up covered eyes.

“I told him a funny joke.” I answered while elbowing Louis.

“What was the joke?” Niall questioned sleepily.

“Ummmmm…” I floundered for a joke.

“Why did the mushroom go to the party?” Louis said. We stared at him. “Because he was a fungi!” Niall shook his head, turned around, and went to the living room to go back to sleep.

“Fungi?” I questioned.

“It worked, didn’t it?” he said. I laughed and pinched his cheeks.

“Cheeky chappy.” I said. We both walked back to the living room and fell asleep.

Five hours later, I was awoken by a scream.

“MY HAIR!” screamed Zayn. I looked at Louis who was also awake and burst out laughing. I felt a movement besides me and saw Harry stirring. He blinked up at me wearily.

“What’s he on about?” Harry wondered groggily. I tried not to laugh at his makeup covered face.

“No idea.” I replied. Harry smiled and kissed me on the cheek. He pulled away and his grin disappeared.

“Isabel, why is there lipstick on your cheek?” he asked. I shot up and ran down the hall. He was close behind me until I got to his room. I slammed the door and hid in the closet. The other boys soon joined Harry and they were pounding on the bedroom door along with the bathroom door. I remembered the secret door to the bathroom so I crawled through.

“Isabel! How’d you get through?” asked Louis who was taking refuge in the bathtub. I pointed to the secret door and signaled for him to be quiet. We crawled back through the door into Harry’s room.

“We can hop out of the window. There is only about a two meter drop.” Louis suggested. I agreed so he opened the window and jumped out. He helped me out and we were free from the boys!

“Want to wait an hour while they get cleaned up? That way they won’t be able to get us messy.” I said.

“Brilliant! Want to go get some coffee?” Louis asked.

“Yeah!” I said and we started walking to a Starbucks (Not the one Jacob works at, though).

After about ten minutes, I got tired of walking.

“Hubby? Can you give me a piggyback ride to Starbucks?” I asked him.

“Of course, wifey!” he said and threw me onto his back. In another ten minutes, we arrived at a Starbucks and walked in. We both walked up to the counter and a female barista turned around.

“Oh my god! You’re Louis Tomlinson!” she exclaimed and he smiled at her.

“Yeah, I am. Would you like a picture, babe?” he asked. She squealed and ran out from behind the counter while handing me her IPhone. I took the picture and handed her back her phone. She returned to the counter and took our orders.

“I’ll have a tall Caramel Frappuccino” I said.

“Make that two?” asked Louis. She nodded and we paid. Soon enough, we had our drinks and were sitting at a table outside.

After a few minutes of small talk, Louis blurted out, “Do you love Harry?” I was a bit stunned.

“Of course I do! Why wouldn’t I?” I asked.

“The way Zayn looks at you, I would’ve thought that there was something going on.” he stated.

“I do not like Zayn, Louis. Harry is my boyfriend. Doesn’t that tell you something?” I questioned. He nodded and we finished our drinks and stood up. I dreaded arriving at the flat to see what the boys would do.

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