Chapter Twenty One: Sleepover!

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“SLEEPOVER!” Louis screamed and ran into the flat. I giggled and ran after him. The boys followed and laughed as I jumped on his back. Louis carried me on his back around the entire flat until I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t hold on anymore and I slipped off. We returned to the living room where everyone was trying to decide what to do.

“Truth or Dare?” asked Harry.

“Boring.” replied Niall.

“Movie?” suggested Zayn.

“Been there, done that.” said Liam.

“Hide and seek?” I asked.

“PERFECT!” they screamed.

“Who’s it?” Louis asked.

“Eenie, meenie, miney, Niall!” I said.

“Hey!” Niall protested but I just laughed and we all ran to find hiding spaces. I sprinted up the stairs and went into Louis’ room. I walked to the closet to find that it was already occupied by Zayn. He motioned for me to leave and I went to Harry’s room. I heard Niall yell, “Ready or not, here I come!” so I ducked into the closet.

“Fancy seeing you here.” someone breathed into my ear. I almost screamed but they clapped a hand over my mouth. “Shh… It’s just me, love.” I recognized the voice as Harry and smiled as he took his hand off of my mouth.

“I almost had a heart attack.” I whispered back. He quietly chuckled and pulled me into his arms as we sat amongst his shoes and clothes. We sat like that until we heard Niall go into a room.

“Found you!” he yelled.

“No fair!” replied Louis. I could imagine him pouting and laughed. Harry shushed me but we heard footsteps coming our way.

“This way.” Harry whispered and moved some clothes aside. There was a small door. We squeezed through it and it led to a dark space. After he closed the door, he turned on a light and the room was illuminated. We were in the bathroom. I looked at him and he shrugged.

“I have no idea why the door is in my closet or leads here.” he answered to my questioning look. All of a sudden, we heard a door in Harry’s room fly open. Harry quickly turned off the bathroom light.

“Where’d they go?” asked Niall confusedly.

“I have no idea.” Zayn said. “Let’s go find Liam.” The footsteps faded away and soon enough, everyone was found except for us. We sat in the bathtub and waited. The bathroom door opened and we saw the shadow of someone through the shower curtain walk towards us. I closed my eyes and leaned into Harry. The curtain flew open to reveal Niall, smiling.

“Got you!” he said with joy. We sighed and got out of the tub. The game continued on for a few more rounds until Louis sat down on the floor.

“I’m bored.” he said.

“Want to watch a movie?” Harry asked. We all agreed and headed to the living room to pick out a movie. After a few minutes of arguing over “Paranormal Activity 3” or “The Ring” I stood up and took the two DVDs. I held one in each hand and put them behind my back. After switching the two around a bit, I told them to pick an arm.

“Left!” said Louis.

“Right!” retorted Niall.

“Right!” stated Harry.

“Left!” said Zayn.

“Right!” said Liam.

“Right arm wins!” I said and pulled out my right arm. I was holding “The Ring” so I popped that into the player and sat next to Harry on the couch.

“You always sit next to Harry.” pouted Louis.

“Okay, LouLou, I’ll sit with you.” I said and went over to sit next to him. Louis smiled and cheered while Harry frowned.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Harry said.

“Well, she can be my wife!” replied Louis.

“Hubby!” I said and threw my arms around his neck in a hug.

“Wifey!” he exclaimed and hugged me back. We laughed and watched the movie.

Soon enough, the movie was over and Louis had his face hidden behind my back.

“That was too scary!” he cried. I patted his back.

“It’s alright Hubby. I’ll protect you!” I said with a grin.

“Okay, my turn with my girlfriend!” Harry said. He walked over and picked me up.

“Harry! Put me down!” I protested. He refused and carried me away. He pulled me onto his lap on the couch.

“We should probably get to sleep.” said Liam. I looked at the clock and realized that it was nearly 2am. We arranged sleeping situations and decided that we would all sleep in sleeping bags in the living room. Harry and I went to his room to get the sleeping bags. After we pulled them down from the closet, we threw them down the stairs.

“Ouch!” yelled Niall and we laughed as we realized that we had hit and buried him in the bags. We went down the stairs and uncovered a scowling Niall. I tossed all of the boys sleeping bags and we settled into the living room. I left the room to wash my face, brush my teeth, and change into pajama shorts and a tank top. I threw my hair into a messy bun. I returned to the room and I laid my sleeping bag in between Louis and Harry. I closed my eyes and sleep quickly overtook me.

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