Chapter Twenty Five: First Day of the Tour

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2 Weeks Later…

I couldn’t believe I was about to go on tour with the boys! And I got to be a nanny for the most adorable baby in the world. At 10am, Harry texted me that the bus was outside so I grabbed my suitcases and lugged them to the elevator. As I stepped off of the elevator, I was tackled in a massive group hug by Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I laughed as they released me and grabbed my suitcases.

“You guys, I can carry my own stuff.” I told them. They refused to let me carry the suitcases so I sighed and stepped onto the tour bus. The inside was amazing. On the walls there were some bunk beds built in so the boys could rest while we traveled to different hotels and venues. Further back, there was a couch and a TV with an Xbox and Wii connected to it. There was also a small bathroom.

“This is incredible!” I said and jumped onto the couch, smiling. Harry chuckled and came over to the couch sitting on my stomach.

“Harry! Get off!” I groaned.

“Nope!” he said. He started tickling me.

“Harry! Stop!” I squealed and tried to wiggle out from under him. After a while, he stopped and leaned down to kiss my forehead. The rest of the boys walked in and looked at our awkward position.

“I don’t even want to know what’s going on.” said Niall and walked away. We both laughed and I sat up.

“Where are we going first?” I asked.

Harry handed me the schedule and I looked it over. Today was January 28th and the boys had a concert tonight in Oxford at 7:30pm. From London to Oxford was only about an hour and a half journey, so we would arrive at 11:30 and have time to explore before the concert.

The bus started moving and we all sat around the TV. We decided to watch a movie while we traveled to Oxford and I popped Toy Story 3 into the DVD player. I leaned on Harry shoulder and felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

“Isabel, wake up, love.” Harry whispered into my ear. “We’re in Oxford.” I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at Harry. I kissed him on the cheek.

“What are we doing first?” I asked.

“FOOD!” yelled Niall and I giggled. Nothing got between Nialler and his food. The tour bus soon pulled into our hotel, the Macdonald Randolph Hotel, and the second tour bus carrying members of the band followed. The buses dropped us off at the front and then pulled behind the hotel so fans wouldn’t know our location. I met Jon Shone, the keyboard player, Dan Richards, the guitar player, Sandy Beales, the bass player, and Josh Devine, the drummer. We all checked into the hotel, got our room keys, and took the elevator up to the fourteenth floor.

We soon figured out rooming arrangements. I would room with Harry, Louis and Zayn would share a room, and Liam and Niall would also room together. I brought my suitcases out of the elevator and Harry grabbed some of mine along with his own. Together, we brought them to our room and set them down.

The hotel room was spectacular, also. There was a small sitting room in the front with a fireplace, TV, and a few couches and chairs. There was also a bedroom with a king size bed, two lounge chairs, a desk, huge windows with drapes, and two nightstands with lamps. There was a brown, red, and white color scheme throughout the room. I figured that the other boys’ rooms were identical to ours. I flopped down on the bed and smiled, taking in the setting around me. Harry came and sat next to me. He kissed me gently and I kissed back. Niall burst into our room.

“Come on guys! We’re going to Nando’s!” Niall exclaimed and dragged us out of the room. All five of the boys and I hopped into a rental car. Paul Higgins, the boys’ security guard, and the four members of the band got into another rental car and we all drove to Nando’s.

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