Chapter Thirty Nine: Ice Cream

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Hey guys! Last chapter, I said that whoever guessed my age got a dedication. The answer was.....13! Jill_Tomlinson got it right, so this chapter is dedicated to her! You should check out her stuff. She's amazayn! Anyway, here's the chapter! xxxxx


My eyes opened and I realized that I was still lying on Liam. He was staring intently at the television screen which was still playing Toy Story 3.

“Sorry Liam. How long was I asleep?” I asked.

“It’s alright, love. You were only asleep for an hour or so. You looked knackered, so I didn’t want to wake you.” he grinned sweetly. How could any girl want to break up with him? He still had a hint of sadness in his face, so I got up and pulled him with me.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“I’ll tell you on the way.” I answered and, after grabbing my wallet and hotel room key, dragged him out of the suite. After travelling the twenty floors down to the lobby, we started walking in the direction of my intended destination.

“So where are we going?” Liam repeated while we strode down the sidewalk. It was about 10pm, so not many people were out.

“Whenever I’m sad about a breakup, ice cream always makes me feel better. So, we’re going to an ice cream parlor.” I told him with a smile. He laughed at my childish attitude and we walked for a few more streets until we reached Smith’s Ice Cream. When we walked into the store, the door dinged and we stepped up to the counter. There was a teenage boy working at the counter and he looked up as we stood there.

“Hey. Can I take your order?” he asked, his eyes running over my body. I remembered that I was still wearing a small Rolling Stones tank top and black and white plaid pajama pants.

“Erm, I’ll have one scoop of Cookies and Cream. What about you, Isabel?” Liam asked me.

“I’ll have the same thing.” I told the boy at the counter.

“That’ll be $5.17.” he stated and I reached for my wallet. Liam tried to give the boy his money but I pushed it away and handed him my cash.

“Liam, this one’s on me.” I said firmly and he nodded. The ice cream was served to us in cups and we walked outside to sit at one of the outdoor tables.

“How long had you and Danielle been dating?” I asked.

“Since the X Factor days, so almost two years.” he answered with a small frown.

“Have you ever broken up before?” I questioned further.

“Once, but only for two days.” he answered.

“So, maybe this one is temporary as well!” I hypothesized, trying to cheer him up.

“I suppose so. I just feel so bad leaving her alone all of the time. She has to dance, so it’s not like she can drop everything and go on tour with us.” Liam said sorrowfully. I nodded and after we finished our ice cream, we started walking back to the hotel.

It had gotten darker and much colder. As we walked along, I started shivering. Liam looked over and noticed my shaking.

“Are you cold?” he asked. I shook my head.

“No, I’m alright.” I replied. My chattering teeth gave me away and Liam chuckled as he slid off his coat.

“No Liam, then you’ll be cold.” I protested. He ignored me and put the coat over my shoulders. I was immediately enveloped in his remaining body heat and my body warmed. I smiled gratefully at him.

“Thanks, Li.” I told him.

“No problem.” he replied. We arrived back at the hotel. By this time, it was already around 11pm. We walked back up to the suite and I slid the key in the door. Swinging the door open, I revealed four boys sitting on the couch and Paul pacing.

“Where were you two?” exclaimed Paul.

“We’ve been calling you for ages!” said Harry and he hurried over to embrace me in a hug. He placed his chin on top of my head as I cuddled into his chest.

“We’re fine. We just went out to grab some ice cream.” I explained when I pulled away from Harry. Paul started chewing us out for leaving without telling anyone. After he was done ranting, he left the room to go to his own suite.

“How was the party?” I asked.

“Boring and stuffy.” replied Niall, his mouth crammed with popcorn left over from Liam and I’s movie night.

“Yep. The usual for a business party.” added Zayn.

“It would have been better with you.” Harry whispered into my ear and his breath tickled my neck. I giggled and gave him a quick peck on his lips. I wanted to kiss him longer, but I knew the boys would complain. Harry pouted a bit after I pulled away so suddenly and I mouthed “Later” to him with a wink. He chuckled and kissed my cheek before going to change out of his suit. The other three boys went to go put on pajamas as well and soon, it was just Liam and I.

There were only about ten minutes left in the movie, so we sat on the couch and watched the end of Toy Story 3. The four boys came out of their rooms in sweatpants and T-Shirts to see us with tears in our eyes.

“What’s wrong with you lot?” asked Louis.

“It’s just so touching!” we exclaimed and they rolled their eyes at our behavior. I got up to go to bed and the rest of the boys went to their bedrooms in the suite. Sliding off Liam’s coat, I put it on the couch and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I finished, I rinsed my mouth and went out of the bathroom into the bedroom.

I spotted Harry sitting on the bed, his back to me, so I tip toed up to where I was by the side of the bed. Still being completely silent, I jumped on the bed and made Harry bounce up and fall off of the bed onto the floor. He looked so shocked, just lying on the floor, that I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. I collapsed on the bed laughing but my giggles were soon cut short by Harry’s lips crashing onto mine. I closed my eyes after getting over the initial shock of it and kissed him back fervently.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and rolled us over so that I was on top of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer. Harry softly bit down on my lower lip and I parted my lips slightly so he could slip his tongue in. I pulled back for breath and rested my forehead on his.

“I love you.” he whispered. I smiled at him. Every time we kissed, touched, or he said that he loved me, I got butterflies.

“I love you, too.” I whispered back and leant in to kiss him again.

A Tale of TOMS, Coffee, and Five BoysWhere stories live. Discover now