Chapter Sixteen: Talks with Zayn and Harry

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Another chapter! Sorry it's short again. I think I'll do a long chapter later tonight or tomorrow. Comment, vote, and fan. xoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxooxoxo


Isabel’s POV

Zayn soon walked into the room and the boys left. I noticed his jaw was bruised and I gasped.

“Zayn, what happened?” I asked. He walked over and sat down.

“Nothing, love. Me and Harry just had a little disagreement.” He replied.

“About me.” I said quietly and looked down. “I’m already breaking apart your friendship.”

Zayn pulled up my face and looked at me. “Don’t blame yourself Isabel. It’s my and Harry’s problem that we both love the same girl.”

I looked at him in shock. “You- you love me?” I asked, surprised. He blushed and looked away.

“It doesn’t matter. You’re Harry’s.” he said sadly. My heart broke for him and I touched his bruise softly.

“I’m really sorry, Zayn. Maybe if Harry hadn’t asked me first…” I trailed off and he looked at me. A smile crept onto his lips. He hugged me and the door flew open.

“Sorry for leaving love, I just had to-” Harry stopped speaking when he saw Zayn hugging me. His beautiful green eyes filled with anger and he growled, “Out.” Zayn quickly left.

Harry came and sat by me and looked at me. “Did he try anything?” Harry asked with a slight edge in his voice.

“No! We just talked. Don’t you trust me at all?” I asked him with hurt on my face. He leant down and kissed me softly on the lips.

“Of course I do. It’s him I don’t trust.” Harry said. I laid my hand on his and he calmed down.

“I love you. I would never cheat.” I told him while staring into his eyes.

“I love you, too.” Harry said. We leant in and his lips molded over mine. They seemed to fit perfectly together and I loved it. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and the kiss became more passionate. I ran my hands through his curls and his hand rested on my cheek. We pulled apart and smiled.

“We probably shouldn’t do that in a hospital.” I said and he laughed. It was now 8:50pm and a nurse came into the room and told us we had ten minutes for visiting hours. All of the boys entered and hugged me goodbye. When Zayn hugged me, Harry stepped in and kissed me.

“We’ll see you tomorrow, babe. I love you.” Harry said.

“I love you, too.” I replied and answered. I told the boys goodbye and they all left. Now, for my lonely night in the hospital. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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