Chapter Thirty Five: A Dinner Date

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A couple hours later, it was time for the boys’ concert. All of us piled into the car and followed Paul and the band to the venue. We were greeted by hundreds of screaming girls and Paul, with the help of the security team, cleared a path for us to walk through.

“Louis! I love you!” a girl screamed.

“Niall! Let me be your princess!” yelled another.

“Harry, Harry, gimme some of your gravy!” shouted another. I burst into a fit of giggles at this statement and we were soon inside after the boys stopped to sign things and take pictures.

“Gravy?” I asked.

“Don’t ask.” Harry replied with a smile. We laughed and continued walking until we got to the dressing room where Lou and the stylists were waiting. Harry, Louis, Niall, Louis, and Zayn were quickly ushered into seats to get their hair and makeup done. I spotted Lux on the couch and went over to sit with her. She let out a happy squeak noise and everyone laughed as she crawled onto my lap.

Ten rounds of peek-a-boo later, the boys were ready to go onstage. They walked over to Lux and I and gave Lux kisses and me hugs before exiting the room. Harry hung back.

“Good luck tonight.” I said. Harry leant down and kissed me on my cheek.

“Love you.” he said.

“Love you, too.” I said and he left the room to go onstage. From the dressing room, I heard the crowd start to scream as the boys sang the first parts of “Na Na Na”. I noticed Lux’s eyes start to droop and held her in my arms. I rocked her gently back and forth and hummed her favorite song by the boys, “I Wish”. She grinned as she recognized the tune and her eyes slowly closed.

The boys’ concert ended and they ran into the dressing room, smiling, sweating, and out of breath. I gestured for them to be quiet because of the sleeping Lux and soon Lou came in to take her home.

“Was it a good show?” I asked.

“It was brilliant.” replied Liam.

“Someone flashed Harry.” added Niall. Harry immediately turned red and I burst out laughing.

“You’re not mad?” Harry wondered.

“Why would I be mad? That’s hilarious!” I said in between laughs. Harry grinned and kissed me.

“That’s why I love you.” he said.

“My eyes!” screamed Louis and he buried his face into Zayn’s shoulder. Paul came to the dressing room followed by Josh, Dan, Jon, and Sandy.

“Right, do you lot want to go get some dinner?” Paul asked. All of us agreed except for Niall, who was going over to his parents’ house for dinner.

“Actually, Isabel and I are going to go out for dinner on our own.” Harry said and I looked over in surprise as the boys wolf whistled. We piled into the cars and drove back to the hotel. After Harry and I arrived in the room, everyone else left the hotel to go eat.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“That’s a surprise.” Harry said mysteriously. I groaned.

“Well, what should I wear then?” I questioned.

“Something nice, but you look beautiful in anything.” Harry said and I kissed him on his lips. After I pulled away, I smiled at him.

“You’re too sweet.” I said and went to get ready.

For my outfit, I wore a black dress with the shoulders made of lace, black stilettos, and some gold bracelets. I also put on some gold dangly earrings and grabbed a red clutch. I applied foundation, smoky eye shadow, eyeliner, red lipstick, and mascara. I curled my hair and left it hanging down my back. I was finally finished and stepped out of the bathroom. Harry turned around and his eyes ran up and down my body.

“Wow… You look… Wow.” he said.

“Thanks. You look pretty wow yourself.” I said with a giggle. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a gray blazer. He also had some black Converse on. He took my hand and we walked out of the hotel.

We were greeted once again by a crowd of fans. Harry stopped to sign things and take pictures and then we walked to the rental car. He opened the door for me and I got in. A few seconds later, he entered the car too and we drove to the restaurant.

We arrived at JP’s Steakhouse and we walked in the doors to see a hostess texting at the desk.

“We have a reservation.” said Harry. The hostess continued texting without looking up.

“How many?” she asked with disinterest.

“Two.” Harry replied.

“What name is it under?” she inquired while looking in the reservation book.

“Harry Styles.” Harry said and the girl looked up with excitement. Oh, great. I thought.

“Follow me to your table, sir.” she said with a smile and led us to a table in the corner. There were two seats and a candle in the middle of the table. She set two menus down on the table and walked away.

“This is lovely, Harry. Thanks for bringing me here.” I said.

“Of course, love.” Harry replied. A waiter soon appeared.

“Hi, my name is Cameron and I’ll be your server tonight. Would you like to order drinks?” he asked.

“Sure. I’ll have a Pinot Noir.” Harry told the waiter. The waiter looked over at me.

“I’ll have the same.” I said and the waiter walked away to get our wines.

“Where are we going next?” I asked.

“I think we’re going to Wexford tomorrow morning. We have an interview with one of the news stations there.” Harry replied. We continued chatting and the waiter came back with our drinks. We then ordered food and that was hastily delivered to us. Once we were finished, we paid and walked out of the restaurant.

Harry and I started to walk towards the car when a man stepped out of the shadows by the restaurant.

“Hello. Could you help me out?” he asked. Harry stepped slightly in front of me.

“What do you need?” Harry asked. The man suddenly rushed forwards and snatched me.

“I think I need your watch and your wallet.” the man growled. I whimpered in his strong grip and he shook me. Harry lunged at the man, but he yanked me to the side, preventing Harry from grabbing me.

“The watch and wallet, pretty boy.” the man demanded. Harry rapidly removed his watch and pulled out his wallet. He thrust it at the man and the man tucked both items into his pockets. I was shoved back at Harry and Harry grasped me to his chest. The man ran away through an alley and Harry turned to me.

“Are you alright?” he asked, staring into my eyes with worry.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said dismissively. Harry took my arm gingerly and looked at the place where the man had gripped me. In the dim street lighting, I could see a bruise starting to form.

“Harry, I’m really sorry about your watch and wallet. I can go get you a new one.” I offered.

“No, the only thing that matters is that you are safe.” Harry said. I nodded and Harry put his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. We walked to the car and drove to the hotel.

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