[Author's Note]

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Welcome to my newest fanfiction, Grocery Lists and Scattered Scars.

If you didn't read the description, here's it copied and pasted onto this part:


The scars littered Castiel's arms and body, but he wasn't the one who put them there.

The neat handwriting reminding him to go to the grocery store and buy eggs and milk appeared on Dean's forearm once every few weeks, but he didn't need to buy those things.


The childish drawings of lollipops and scribbles were always on Sam's hands, yet he didn't ever put a bright pink pen anywhere near his fingers.

The words 'stop by the band room' always reminded Gabe he needed to get his instruments to practice at home, though he didn't play any instruments.


DISCLAIMER: there used to be Michifer in this story! BUT, I hated the story line I used for them and ended up removing them from the story the best that I could! So, if you see anything about then, i.e. Lucifer has Jack(basically he has a two year old son from a previous relationship that wasn't his soulmate). So just don't worry about that.


So I've been wanting to write a Soulmate AU for a while now because I've read so many and wanted to try. So uh, here I am.

I hope you enjoy it and make sure to comment anything you'd like me to add in or just message me!!

There will be happiness and heartbreak, smiles and sorrow, touches and tears, but fear not, my friends, as I will maybe end this fic happily. L


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