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I just wentz through this entire thing and deleted michifer out bc I hated that storyline.



Gabriel just wanted Sam to calm down.

He knew he was freaking out. His older brother was in the hospital. But Gabe's older brother was there too.

Albeit, Dean was in a much worse condition but Sam was crying so much and he closed himself off completely.

As soon as he was made to leave so that Cas could have some time with his boyfriend, Sam went into hysterics.

He wanted to keep watch over Dean until the older boy was allowed to get out of that bed and go home, but Castiel was interrupting his plans and Sam didn't like that.

Gabriel sat next to Sam, his left hand gently running circles at the boy's back. He whispered soothing phrases into Sam's right ear and tangled his right hand with Sam's left. He sang, he cried along with him, he spoke, he wrote words on his skin but nothing seemed to work.

Sam just looked as if he was getting irritated by Gabriel's constant contact and Gabriel was beginning to get upset.

They'd known about their soulmateship for only a little while yet they were already having a fight. A silent fight, for that matter, consisting of Sam swatting Gabriel's reassuring hands away, Gabriel huffing when Sam would let out a sob, Sam turning away from the other boy when Gabe tried to speak.

Nothing was going right.

After the last attempt of trying to calm Sam down, Gabriel finally snapped.

His left hand was placed firmly on Sam's right knee, his thumb moving in small, light circles. Sam allowed it for a moment, seemingly sinking into the touch before he slapped Gabriel's hand yet again. "Stop touching me," he croaked out, his voice hoarse from continuous sobs.

Gabriel's expression quickly became one of hurt and he stood up from his chair. "Fine," and he began to walk away.

"Gabe?" Sam's voice could be heard calling for the whiskey eyed boy but Gabriel wouldn't turn around.

"Call me when you're ready to not slap me every time I try to console you, okay?"

Sam whimpered, his eyes beginning to pour again.

Gabriel felt a pang in his chest, and he almost, almost, turned back around and threw his arms around Sam's neck, climbing onto the taller boy's lap and sobbing along with him, but he didn't. He needed to show Sam that he wasn't going to give in.

Gabriel needed to stand up for himself.

He knew it sounded kind of stupid. Having to stand up to his boyfriend because the other boy was grieving and having mood swings but it felt right at the time.

He pushed open the doors leading to the other end of the hall, heading straight to the vending machines. Gabriel had a few dollars in his pocket, and he bought himself a honey bun.

Of course, it got stuck in the stupid machine.

Nothing was going right for Gabriel today, was it? He couldn't even get a snack without having to punch a stupid stupid stupid metal box.

After punching he side a few times, and ultimately failing to get the snack to fall, he resorted to kicking it. He kicked until he physically, but mostly mentally, couldn't anymore.

He knew he was making a lot of noise but he couldn't find it in himself to worry about it. He sunk to the floor, his back pressed against the side of the vending machine he had so violently attacked only a few minutes prior.

He felt as if his throat was tightening, the air beginning to have to fight to pass through it.

He just wanted Sam to come find him, to hug him. But they were... fighting? Is it considered a fight? Either way he didn't want it to be happening.

He heard footsteps coming from down the hall, accompanied by loud sobbing. Maybe some yelling?

"Gabriel! Gabriel, please! It's Dean! Somethings wrong! Please!" Sam's voices yelled.

And the last thing Gabriel heard before he took off running in the direction of Dean's room was the thud of the snack hitting the bottom of the vending machine.



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