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I miss you.

I miss you too, Cas.

Cas smiled down at his arm, and they made conversation for a while.

I want to hear your voice.

Cas knew they couldn't talk over the phone. His phone was still at home and he didn't know if Dean had his. All he knew was that nobody would tell him Dean's room number and Dean didn't know either so he couldn't use the phone on the wall of his room.

Me too. I want to see you but they won't let me leave this damn room.

Castiel chuckled a bit at that. Same old Dean.

Soon, the doctor walked back in. "How are you feeling, Castiel?"

Castiel looked up, smiling a bit. "Better, actually. Still a bit sore. But better, for the most part."

"Good!" The doctor nodded, smiling back at Castiel, "I assume this means you want to go see Dean now?"

Castiel blushed, looking down at his boyfriends handwriting on his arm. "Yes sir. That'd be nice."

The doctor, who's name Cas believed was Dr. Watson, stepped out for a minute, coming back with a wheelchair.

"Okay, Castiel. I'll permit you to see him, but you have to be in this at all times. You can stand up to hug him or kiss him or whatever you kids do these days, but other than that... you stay," he paused, smiling brightly as he pointed to the seat of the chair, "right here!"

Cas laughed, nodding his head. "Okay! I'm alright with that. I just wanna see Dean!" He said, just a tad bit too excited.

Dr. Watson rolled the chair to the edge of Castiel's bed, helping the boy stand up just to sit back down again.

He readjusted himself in the chair, the smile never leaving his face. "Do you know how he's doing?"

"No. Sorry. He's not one of my patients," Dr. Watson replied, smiling sadly at the boy.

"Oh. Okay."

"But I'm sure he's fine."

If only Dr. Watson knew how wrong he was.


short chapter! i know!

buuuut... there's two chapters left!

i'm not going to do anymore michifer, because honestly, i hate how i wrote them into the story. it was unrealistic and kind of stupid so...

but next chapter will probably focus mainly on sabriel and the very last will clear up the last sentence of this chapter!

there's nothing worse than writers block during the last few chapters. i honestly hate it.

but i'm trying to get these last few updates out soon so i can start something new!

my other destiel school daze and my joshler hurt are discontinued as of now, and i unpublished then until i can get my life together and figure out what i want to do with them!

BUT- go check out my latest post. it's a book called possible books and i really need your help! i have a lot of possible fic ideas, titles and descriptions for you guys to pick your favorites.

i seriously have 44 drafts for books.

so go check that out and comment on your favorites!

so again, i'm sorry for the short update but i'm having a block right now. i do know how i want this to end though so be ready!!

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