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He pulled away from Castiel slowly, his arms still hanging around the boy's waist.

"That was nice."

"Th-Thank you, dean. I enjoyed it, as well."

Dean leaned in and pecked the other boy's lips one last time. It was as if he couldn't get enough of Castiel's intoxicating taste.

"You should stay over at my place tonight."

Dean blushed and looked up.


"Yeah. Why not?"

"O-okay. I'll, uh, I'll text my dad and ask if I can go over."

"I'll let my dad know that you are coming."

And Cas pulled away, kneeling by his backpack and pulling out his phone. Dean already misses the boys warmth.



A few hours past and Cas and Dean were standing in the Novaks living room.

"Dad? I'm home!" Cas yelled, walking towards the kitchen but motioning for Dean to stay.

"Dad?" Cas pushes through the door of the kitchen and smiled at his father who stood at the stove cooking beef stew.

"Hey, Castiel. How was your day?"

"It was, uh, it was actually really good." Cas blushed and nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"And why was this day so good?"

"Um, because my soulmate is kind of... standing in our living room?"


I literally haven't had any motivation to write my stories anymore. I'm exhausted, emotionally and physically.

I'm in a fight with my best friend, I saved up money for three years just to have my mom take half of it from me to give to my brother because he blows all of his paychecks, and school is fucking annoying.

Give me some ideas for this story please or it probably won't get finished...



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