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He had to tell Dean.

Dean had to know.

Even if Cas got rejected, he had to find a way to tell Dean.

Luckily for him, fate made it easy.



He hobbled into his third period science class, heading straight for his seat in the middle.

Looking to his left, he briefly saw Castiel, his soulmate, sitting and absentmindedly picking at the small scratch on his cheek.

Dean had heard people talking. Saying how "that fag, Castiel, has the same bruises as Dean. Could they be... soulmates?"

It was downright annoying. The kids always found ways to insult Cas, and even if Dean had no intentions of even talking to the boy, he still found himself wanting to stick up for him.

His thoughts were cut short as their teacher walked in.

"Okay, today we are starting a project. I will partner you up and you and your partner will make a 3D model of an atom, along with a 850 word research paper over that atom. I will also be assigning your atoms."

She began to pair up the students, partnering his now ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend, Azazel. If eye rolls made noise he'd probably be heard in China.

"Castiel..... and... Dean."

Shit shit shit.

Dean's head snapped up, looking over at the boy who was looking at him the same way.

I'm so fucking screwed.



I'm so screwed.

"Castiel..... and... Dean."

Castiel looked over at his soulmate, seeing him staring at Cas in disbelief.

He looked down, waiting for the teacher to tell them to pair up.

"Okay, now go sit next to your partner as these will be your seats for the next two months."

Cas picked up his things, shoving them in his backpack and throwing it over it his shoulder. He had a boot now, not really needing the crutches anymore but he still used them because it hurt like all hell to walk.

"Hi." He paused, sliding into the seat next to the green eyed boy.

He thought he heard a mumbled hey in response but he wasn't sure.

They sat in an awkward silence, breaking out of their trances when their teacher came by, handing them a slip of paper.


Eh, could be worse.

"Tellurium is the chemical symbol Te, uh, it's atomic number is... 54?" Dean said, uncertain about his last statement.

"52." Cas replied. "Atomic mass is 127.6 I believe."

"In group 16, period 5."


They went back and forth like this, stating all of the things they could think about for their assigned element.

Science had always been Castiel's favorite subject, and he was starting to think that it was secretly Dean's too.

And apparently Tellurium was an element they both knew.

Cas would crack up every time dean would nerd out on him, saying some sort of silly fact about it.

He knew, no matter how cliche, that there was a reason he and dean were soulmates.


I realize that this wouldn't be what they would be learning in a junior science class but it's what my class just finished doing in eight grade science and I don't feel like researching high school science.

Tellurium was my assigned element if you can't tell.

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