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Immense pain.

That's all that Castiel could describe it as.

He felt as if his heart was going to fall out of his chest and his head was going to fall off of his shoulders.

His whole world is crashing down around him and he couldn't do a single thing about it.

The only thing he could do was cry.

Dean, he thought.

All he could think about was Dean. Dean. Dean.

He felt his leg the one he had broken previously feel as if it had broken again. His left arm soon felt that same feeling. He was scared for himself but mostly, for Dean.

His biggest fear was coming to life. A repeat of that same night just a few months ago. But he guesses that it was kind of a good thing because if it wasn't for that night he would've never met Dean. They probably would never become friends. Castiel's wonderful boyfriend probably be still be with that bitch Lisa.

Why? Why. He thought to himself as the pain grew larger. He wondered why it had to be him why did he have to be stuck with Dean. I mean, let's be honest, as much as Castiel loved being with Dean he sometimes wonders if it was worth it. If it was worth his life.

Of course, being with Dean had its upsides. The late night phone calls when Cas was lonely, the short but sweet hugs when they were at school, and the sweet loving kisses that they shared and they were alone in Castiel's bedroom.

Cas cried out in pain as he felt a blow to his head and everything went black.



He eventually left the park and Gabriel.

He figured that after two hours, it was finally time he'd made it back home. He was happy his soulmate was Gabriel. They were already best friends and the transition into boyfriends was very easy.

He leaned in and kissed Gabe and when the separated all that could be heard was the whispered question of will you be my boyfriend? that escaped Gabriel's soft lips.

Sam's response was to kiss him again, smiling into the kiss and nodding as their lips melded together.

But now, the moment was over and he found himself at his front porch, pushing the door open and frowning when he didn't hear anything. No talking, no TV, no bottles clinking against the glass coffee table.

It was eerily quiet.

The smile resting on his face soon flipped into a frown as he made his way further into the house.

A loud scream escaped his lips when he made his way into the kitchen.



2 hours earlier

Dean braced himself for the impact of his fathers hand.

But it didn't come.

Something much worse did.

Right as John's arm reeled back, Dean's phone beeped loudly.

Don't be Cas. Don't be Cas. Dean pleaded in his mind.

He cried out when his father hit his hand against his face, shoving him down to the floor before reaching and pulling Dean's phone from his back pocket.

His father's eyes widened in disappointment and soon turned to anger.

"All this time?! You've been at what? A friend's house? Cas, you said. He's a friend. We were doing homework. I. Don't. Like. Liars, Dean."

He pointed the phone screen towards Dean, and right there, on the screen was, of course, Castiel's name.

Message from: 💛baby💛castiel💛

Hey. Are we still on for dinner tonight?

"Baby?! Castiel?! Dean Winchester, have you or have you not been sneaking around with a boy? A boy, for God's sake!"

Dean whimpered as his phone smashed against the ground next to his face.

His father stood, grabbing his wrist and yanking him up.

Tears were flowing down his cheeks now, his father's hand repeatedly hitting his face, arms, and torso and his legs were continuously kicked and kneed.

He screamed loudly until eventually he became numb, his screams soon just becoming defeated sobs and his tears began to stop flowing.

At this point, he didn't care if his father killed him.

He was done fighting.

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