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(I feel like this story gets confusing sometimes because it could be Castiel's first person one minute and then you read a little farther and it's deans third person.... so sorry for any confusion...)



I want to confront Dean. But how?

I mean, we have our four core classes together and we have the same gym class(where we both have to sit in the bleachers and stare at the other boys on the track and field. Well, it's more of Dean staring and wishing he could be on that field and me staring at Dean..)

I've been spending the whole day trying to figure out how I could possibly tell him.

Oh, hey dean! Yeah, um, haha funny story! I'm your soulmate! Haha!

Hell to the no.

Not happening. I'd have to figure out a way to make it happen. Maybe I could write something on my arm that could hint at it? Nah.

I really have no idea. But I have until the end of the week before Gabe tells Sam.


I feel like this chapter suckkkeddddd but, I tried!

over half of this chapter used to be michifer but i cut it out because i hated the michifer in this book so im taking their story out

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