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A few days passed, and every day Castiel would go to Dean's house. But today was different. Dean wanted to go to Castiel's house.

"We won't really be able to focus. My family is super annoying. But- we can try."

"Awesome. Sounds like a plan."

And so they picked up the younger boys from the middle school and headed to the Novak house.


Let's go to sabriel shall we?

"Gabeee! Gimme the phoneee!!" Sam whined, reaching for his phone that Gabriel was currently spamming with pictures.

"Sorry, Samantha. No can do. Gonna keep taking pictures till the camera roll is full and it won't let me take more."

"I'm gonna give you five seconds." Sam said, his whiny kid voice gone and replaced with a deep, authoritative one.

"OoOoOh, scary." Gabe scoffed, sarcasm lacing his voice.


The phone made the camera noise repeatedly.


Gabriel kept tapping the screen.


Another shutter click.


A gasp from Gabe.


Sam charged at the smaller boy, scooping up his legs and throwing him over the shoulder. He reached and pulled the phone from Gabe's hand, running across the school courtyard to Dean's car and throwing Gabriel inside.

"What the actual fuck?" He heard his brother's voice ask, and he and Gabe began dying of laughter.

"I don't even want to know."



"Hey Dean?" I asked, looking up at him. We were currently playing Sorry!.

"Yeah, Cas?"

"We finished our project a week ago. Why am I still here?" I questioned, looking at him as he dropped his game piece.

"Well, I guess I took a liking to you. We're friends now. Right? This," he paused, gesturing to the table, "is what friends do."

I smiled at that. I'd never had many friends. And if I couldn't be his boyfriend, the least I could be is his friend.

But you still have to tell him Castiel.

I knew I did.

But I'm a coward.

"So, how'd you break your leg?" We had both gotten our casts and boots off and could now walk okay, but I was curious as to what he would say.

"Uh, car accident." He replied hesitantly. I reached into my bag, pulling out a black pen.

Before I could stop myself, I scribbled on my arm whilst Dean stared in confusion.



Haha yay!


I'm currently in the very back corner of the public library on wattpad haha. It's very quiet and peaceful.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And hopefully I'll get the next one out soon!!


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