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Three days later

I felt horrible. Not just because my dad beat the shit out of me, but because my soulmate had to feel it too. They feel this kind of thing a lot. Except, this time, it was so much worse.

Dad snapped my leg almost in half so I bet my soulmate at least got a fracture. It's a miracle if they didn't.

Sammy had to drive me to the hospital. Little twelve year old Sam had to drive me since I was in too much pain to do it myself. Luckily, I taught him how last month.

Dad's forcing me to go to school today, even though I can still barely move. I hobbled into the impala, setting my crutches in the backseat. Thankfully, my left leg is broken so I can still use my right to press the gas and brake pedals.

Sam came outside and slid into the passengers seat, looking at me with concern on his face.

"You sure you don't want me to drive today, De?"

"Yeah. I'm good, Sammy." I replied, smiling at him and ruffling his hair.

"It's Sam." He huffed.

"Mhm, Okay, Sammy."


|Dean 3rd person|

Star quarterback, Dean Winchester, is out for the rest of the season. He's being replaced by his best friend, Benny Lafitte.

Benny was a great player too, but Dean was the best. Sadly, his dad ruined everything for him. He would miss the rest of the season. Only 3 games had been played in this season. That means Dean would be missing seven games and the playoffs and High School  Bowl (that's what they call the championship game where I'm from)

But, Dean still went to every practice and game, just to support his friends and teammates.

Just because he couldn't be out on the field with them, doesn't mean he wouldn't be there to cheer them on.



Castiel was finally going back to school after three days. And man, did a lot of people come up to him.

Every twenty seconds, there would be a new person that he didn't know asking to sign his cast. Why? He had no clue.

At one point, the new quarterback, Benny even came up to talk to him.

"Castiel? Right?" Cas nodded his head, sighing when he saw Benny reach in his pocket for a marker.

"That's weird. Both you and Winchester broke the same leg. Huh. How'd you do it?"

"Fell out of a tree." He lied. That's what he'd been telling everyone all day.

"Damn, that sucks, brother. That's also why I don't climb trees."

"I was trying to get better lighting. I was reading."


Castiel just shrugged, waiting for Benny to walk away. He finally did after about thirty seconds.

He began to walk down the halls, trying to get to his next class, which he would probably be late to thanks to Benny. And then he saw Dean.

Dean had a cast on the same side as Cas, the same length as his as well. He also had the same bruises on the back of his neck, on his arms, and on the top left corner of his forehead. He had a larger gash on his cheek than Castiel did.

No. There's no fucking way.

Dean Winchester was his soulmate? No, it must have just been a coincidence.


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