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A/N I named one chapter and now I'm doing numbers because I suck at chapter names



"Luci... I need a pen."

The older Novak's face twisted into one of confusion but then he looked down, seeing the letters on his little brothers arms. He dug through the cup holders and center console before finally finding a blue ball point pen, reaching back and handing it to Cas.

No, I'm sorry. I can only imagine how this is for you. (Okay, quick A/N, in this story, the soulmates feel each other's pain, but whoever it was who got hurt has it about 2x worse than his/her soulmate if that makes sense.)

He never got a reply.

Seconds later, they were pulling into the hospital and Cas tossed the pen into the floorboard, wincing when he tried to turn his body towards the door.

"Calm it, Cas. I'll go in and get you a wheelchair." Lucifer said quickly before jumping up and running inside, coming out three minutes later with a wheelchair and a nurse in tow.

Chuck opened the back door, reaching in and slowly easing Castiel out of the car and lowering him into the chair, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly before the nurse took off with him.

Three hours later, Castiel was rolling out of the ER, a white plaster cast on his left leg and bandages all over his body. He wasn't in as much pain, he was doped up with painkillers and definitely not be going to school the next day.


When the family got home, Castiel grabbed the crutches instead of the wheelchair and went straight inside, frowning when he realized his room was upstairs and it would be way too difficult to make it upstairs on crutches. He sighed and "walked" back towards the living room, plopping down on the couch.

"Hey, Cassy. If you want, you can stay in my room and I'll stay in yours. We can switch since mine is downstairs. We won't rearrange furniture but we can get your clothes and stuff down here if you want." Gabriel offered, smiling at his injured older brother.

"Thanks, Gabe. I'd appreciate that." He paused, looking down at the writing on his arm. "What strange fact did your soulmate say today?"

Gabe smiled, pulling up the sleeve of his hoodie. "Well, along with the daily, "go to band room," it says this."

Slightly neat handwriting ran across Gabe's skin. "Hm. Cool, I guess."

Did you know: butterflies will sometimes drink turtle tears when they are in need of salt?

"Yeah. I don't know what gave them an idea to do this but it's cool!"

"Anyway, can you start moving my clothes down here? I'm ready to go to sleep. S'been a long day." Castiel signed, running his hand through his already messy hair and smiled up at Gabe.

"LUCI? DAD? HELP ME, PLEASE!" Gabriel yelled, playfully kissing Cas on the cheek and running upstairs towards his new bedroom.


Guys. I am so sorry it took me so long to update. And this is a shitty chapter too. I've been busy with school and been super tired lately as well.

Also, one of my friends parents are in the middle of divorcing so she's in need of someone to talk to.. Ive been busy consoling her.

But anyway, I wanted to ask if maybe you guys wanna send me ideas for this story because I really don't have any inspiration whatsoever.

Comment ideas for other books too if you want.

And... I have like 7 chapters of a Destiel Highschool fic in my drafts that I don't really know if anybody would like, but tell me if you'd want to see it?

Again, I'm sorry for being such a bad author but ¯\_()_/¯



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