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Dean sighed loudly when his father finally left him alone and went to his bedroom.

He slowly pulled himself off of the floor, going straight towards his and Sam's bathroom, knowing damn good and well his little brother would be there, waiting to patch him up.

Even as he sat on the cracked lid of the toilet seat, Sam's gentle fingers wiping a rag across his face, he thought of only one thing. He looked down at his arm, feeling the tingling sensation. Nice, neat handwriting formed the words, 'buy more ice packs and bandages.'


Castiel didn't deserve this. Dean's poor, poor soulmate; a nerdy, quiet boy, didn't ask for this. It was Dean's fault Castiel needed new ice packs and bandages. Cas has dealt with this shit for eight years.

He shouldn't have to deal with the daily beatings dished out by a man who's been grieving over his dead wife for 12 years.

But dean couldn't tell Castiel. He just couldn't.




"Lucifer.. can I... can I talk to you?" He pushed the words out of his mouth, holding a freezing cold ice pack to his lips.

Lucifer looked up from his phone, frowning when he saw his younger brother standing there, looking all beat up again.

Just as those old bruises began to heal, they came right back.

"Satan at your service, lil bro."

"Can we go to my room, or something?" He stuttered, nervous about discussing him. Dean.

"Uh, sure?" And so they both walked towards Castiel's room, Castiel on crutches and Lucifer walking slowly behind him.

They made it to the room, Cas sighing loudly before flopping down on his bed.

"What's up, Cassy?" Cas couldn't even find it in himself to do so much as frown at the stupid nickname.

"I, uh, I think I know who my...." He paused, feeling a sharp pain in his left side. It felt like when you turn a corner too sharp and hit it against the edge of a counter top.

"You found what?"

"...Soulmate." He muttered quietly, throwing his arms up. "My fucking soulmate." He didn't realize the tears were falling until he felt his older brothers arms around him.

"I found him, Luci. And I'm scared. I'm scared to death of him. It's- it's not even him, it's whoever it is in his life that's- that's causing him so much pain! I'm worried to tell him! Because I don't want him- I don't want him feeling sorry for me. Feeling sorry for me when he gets hit by someone!"

He kept going on and on about how he felt bad for this mystery boy that he hadn't even spoken his name to Lucifer.

"Cas..." He whispered, "Cas, who is it?"

"Dean. Dean Winchester."

Lucifer's gasp was loud, and very surprised sounding.

"Dean? You mean, hot jock, football superstar, dude that's dated half the girls in the school, Dean?"

Cas just nodded in response.

"How do you know?"

"I- he had the same bruises and his left leg was broken..."

Lucifer released Cas from his grip, looking bewildered.

"You have to tell him, Cassy."



Sorry if you got a notif saying that this chapter was updated early, because I accidentally hit the publish button yay

But here it is.

And now it's probably gonna be a month before the next update cuz I suck at updating consistently...

I like to keep you on your toes.

No, but really, I'll try to get the next chapter out soon..

K bai


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