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Castiel woke up by a stinging pain in his stomach. It felt as if he had been punched. The pain only lasted for about four and a half seconds before he felt a throbbing pain in his back.

I can only imagine how bad it is for him.

His soulmate was being abused. Or possibly he was some sort of boxer or wrestler. Cas prayed that it was the second option. But then again, these beatings only come late at night or early in the morning. What kind of boxer fights at midnight?

He felt the same pain his soulmate did. If someone gets punched, the other person feels it. They get a bruise too. It was a cruel system but it was one that worked.

Cas groaned, looking over at the bedside clock. 7:23. He had to be at his new school by 8:30 so he figured he could get up now, shower and make breakfast for his siblings.

He winced as another pain shot through his leg, hurting like a son of a bitch.

"FUCK!" He yelled, crying out in pain. He sobbed loudly for 5 minutes before hearing soft knocking on his door.

"Cassie? Are you alright?" Cas cried loudly, holding his leg as he sobbed. "Cas, please. Answer me." The soft voice of a little girl could be heard from the opposite side of the door.

"I'm coming in, okay?" Castiel just whimpered in response.

A mop of red hair popped out from behind the door and quickly ran over to Castiel's slumped over figure.

"Castiel? What happened?"

"I-I think my soulmate broke his leg. It hurts so bad, Anna. I think it broke mine too." The young girl kissed her older brother's forehead, quickly jumping up and running out of the room.

"Dad! Luci! Hannah! Someone help!" Cas could hear her yelling and frantically banging on the bedroom doors around them.

A scream rang out as Castiel felt three repetitive pains to his chest, it seemed as if it was a kick.

Heavy footsteps pounded down the hallway, racing into the Novak's room and he felt strong hands lifting him bridal style.

"Shh. It's okay, Cas. We'll get you to the doctor, get some medicine. It's gonna be alright." He heard his brother, Lucifer, whispering as he carried him out to the car.

"Luci, it hurts so bad." His whole body was in pain now but it seemed as if the beating had stopped. His leg has doubled in size, it seemed to be a clean break.

"Fuck." He whispered as his older brother laid him in the backseat of the car, being careful to not touch his leg.

"I'm sorry, Cas, but we're gonna get you to the hospital and they'll give you some of that medicine that cuts off your pain connection with your soulmate for a couple of hours, okay?"

Castiel nodded weakly, screaming in pain when his father pulled out of the driveway and his leg shifted. "Dad!" Chuck went wide eyed, not understanding what he did wrong.

"It wasn't your fault I'm- I'm sorry." Castiel felt a tingle on his wrist, and he lifted it to see a note.

I'm so sorry. Hope you get better soon.

"Luci... I need a pen."


Okay, uh, that was the first chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it. Now that I look back on it that started off with a kick.

Anyway, I have my first day of school today so I should probably start getting ready...



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