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He quickly threw on some nicer clothes, sliding his white and black tennis shoes on his feet.

He pushed his door open and sighed when he saw Dean asleep on the ground by his door.

Sam softly kicked him, laughing when Dean grumbled.

He decided to let him sleep. The younger boy went back into his room and wrote a note telling his brother what was happening.

"See ya, Dean!"

And with that he raced out of the house and ran towards the park down the road.

~time skip like two minutes~

He didn't see anyone. Just a few toddlers and their parents on the playground.

There was what looked to be a couple having a nice picnic under the large oak tree near the duck pond.

But no sign of anyone who could be Sam's soulm-


He turned around, seeing the familiar face of Gabriel.

"Uh, hey, Gabe." He rushed out, his eyes still darting around the park.

"You, uh... you good, man?" Gabe asked, smiling slightly at the boy.

"Y-yeah. M'fine. Just looking for someone."

"Mhm. And who might that be?" Gabriel smirked, Sam seemed to have not caught on yet.

"I'm not sure, actually."

"Oh. Well, I think I know how I could help you."

"How would you know who I'm look-," Sam asked, looking at Gabriel with wide eyes as he held his arm up, showing Sam the ink dancing across his hand and wrist.



short chapter i know.

but something big is gonna happen next chapter.

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