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I could totally get used to this.

What? No, Dean. Stop it. After this project you'll go back to acting like the kid doesn't exist.

Fuck, it was hard for Dean to keep this secret. He wanted nothing more than to tell the cute little nerd but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"So, um, do you wanna come to my house after school and work on the- the project?" Dean stuttered out, nervous about having his soulmate over at his house.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll have to talk to my parents but I'd like that."

"Okay then. You can just ride with me after school if that's okay."

Cas nodded, and then soon after turned his attention to their teacher who was still droning on about the project.


Dean waited for his partner- soulmate- to come out of the school.

When he finally saw the dark mop of hair he waved his arms, smiling brightly at the crutched boy.

"Hey Cas."

"Hello, Dean. Can we by any chance stop by the middle school and pick up my little brother? My older brother usually gets him but he has stuff to do and can't get him."

"Uh, yeah. I have to get my brother too."

"Oh, cool."

They drove to the middle school in an awkward silence, both of them wanting to tell the other what they knew but not knowing how to say the words.

Even if those words are as simple as "we are soulmates."

Those three. Simple. Words.

And neither boy knew how to say them.


They had picked up both Sam and Gabe. Luckily, Anna's elementary school was a block away from their house so she walked, and Hannah's art school had a bus.

So the Novak and Winchester boys were headed to the Novak house where dean made sure to tell his little brother that their father was away.

Weird. Castiel thought, it seemed like Sam was nervous that their dad might be there.

What's wrong with their- Oh.

Cas had solved the mystery. The beatings came from none other than Dean's dad.


The boys walked into the Winchester house and Dean winced when he saw the four empty beer bottles on the coffee table.

"Sorry for the mess, guys. Uh, my dads a bit of a slob ya know?"

Castiel looked at Gabe, giving him a look that said don't ask any questions.

"It's alright. Our house is usually pretty bad too." Gabe tried to lighten up the situation but everyone saw right through it.

"Oh." Dean whispered.

"Anyway, lets get to my room. We can start our project there." Cas and Dean took towards his room, Sam and Gabe going to the younger Winchester's.

When they got inside, Castiel was thoroughly surprised. Doctor who and Sherlock posters hung on the wall,  a few medals hung above his bed, and a framed picture of what seemed to be him and his little brother sat on the nightstand.

"Nice room." Castiel commented as Dean walked around with a limp from his boot.

"Uh, thanks."

"Sherlock and Doctor Who. Nice!" Cas said, walking over to the posters hanging.

"Yeah. I like 'em. Me and Sammy watch them on repeat a lot. I usually save enough money for a cable fund."

"Cool. Anyway, we should probably start working."

"Alright. Let's get started then."


K dudes I swear imma move this on. Gonna have some drammaaaa next chapter!!!



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