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Another day, another beating.

He came home from Castiel's house, smiling like he just got a new car, and apparently, his happiness is a trigger for his father's anger.

"Hey, Sam. Dad. I'm home!" He said, giddily, as he walked into the house.

"Where the hell have you been, boy?" John asked, raising his voice with each word.

Dean shot a pointed glance towards Sam and the younger Winchester caught his drift and made his way upstairs. Most likely to the bathroom where he'd wait for Dean so he could clean him up.

"I was at a friend's house. We have a science project due on Monday that we were working on."

"Bull fucking shit. Don't lie to me Dean Winchester."

"I'm not lying, dad! I was with my friend Cas!"

"Cas? Sounds oddly girly! What's it short for? Cassandra? Cassidy? Huh? What'd you do? Sneak off and slut around with some girl?!"

"Dad! No! Cas is short for Castiel!! He's a boy and we were doing homework!!"

And that's when John stepped forward and hit Dean with a drunken uppercut to the right of his chin.

"How many goddamn times do I have to make it clear to you?! No fucking around!!" He punched him again. "Don't fucking lie to me!"


Dean was shoved to the ground.

"Dad!!" Dean's voice pleaded and after about three kicks to the stomach, John walked away, leaving his sixteen year old son in a crumpled ball on the floor.



He dropped his pencil.

The pain was very short lived and not very harmful but he still had to stop drawing to hold his chin.

He soon fell to the ground and held his stomach, whimpering slightly as at least twelve kicks were landed on his stomach.

"Oh my god, Dean."



"I'm fine, Sam." Dean said, swatting his little brothers hand away from his face.

"You're lip is split, Dean."

"I've had worse, Sam. Stop." Dean glared, smacking the smaller boy's hand.

"Ow, Dean!"

Dean snapped out of his mood to look at his brother who was holding his injured hand with his other.

Sam's hand was bright red.

"Oh shit, Sam... I'm so sorry. I'm just worried. Are you alright?" He hit his brother much harder than he'd intended.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just go text your boyfriend, okay?" He replied angrily, pushing past Dean and leaving the small bathroom.



|Sam 1st|

He really hurt me.

I don't even mean my hand.

He's just so caught up in the whole "I found my soulmate" thing that he's either super bitchy or super happy all the time.

Meanwhile, here I am, all alone and anxiety ridden.

I was just trying to help and clean the blood from his face but no. He fucking slapped me.

I always help him after he fights with dad. But I guess now that Cas is in the picture he's gonna be an ass and worry more about whether or not Castiel is okay rather than making sure he's okay himself.

And I get it. Check on him. But take care of yourself too, you know?

God, my brother is so frustrating sometimes.


Okay so I finally gave you a chapter that's a bit longer that what I've put out the past like 4 times.

Hope it's okay...

I'm wanting this fic to go to about 30 chapters, so yeah.

I'm taking a poll.

Would you prefer:

a) a tragic/realistic ending


b) a slightly cheesy/mostly unrealistic ending

Cause I have an idea for either way it can go.

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