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A/N I'm in such a great mood. Like, I was bouncing up and down after 5th period today. My fifth period teacher got a call in the middle of class, saying that there was a delivery for him at the front office, so he ran down and got it real quick, and then he came back with this large grey package-bag-thing.

We all wanted to know what it was so he opened it up(he knew what it was already) and he pulled out a turquoise medium sized box.

He opened it up and showed us, and the class starting screaming. Like, literally yelling AWWWW at the top of our lungs(he got complaints calls from like 4 other teachers..).

In the box, was a rose gold ring. A fucking ring! He's gonna propose to his girlfriend next month and it was so cute because when he was talking about her, you could see it in his eyes that he was so in love and he was nervous af... it was so cute.

Anyway, sorry for the long authors note, just wanted to say that because I'm so happy for him!!



When Castiel woke up the next day, he was immensely sore. He had a pounding headache and his leg was throbbing.

He sat up slowly, whimpering in pain when he felt the cut on his cheek.

"Fuck." He whispered, grabbing the crutches from next to the bed and standing up. He hobbled out of the room,going into the kitchen where his brother stood making breakfast.

"G'morning, Luce."

Lucifer spun around, eyes widening when he saw Castiel. "Uh, hey Cas." Castiel looked down at himself, not knowing what Lucifer was so surprised about.

"You okay, dude?" Castiel asked, raising an eyebrow. "Um, yeah.. are you?" Castiel got confused once again.

"I mean, other than feeling like I got run over by a semi, I believe I'm okay..."

"Oh. Well, you probably shouldn't go to school this week. Because you look like you got run over by a semi." He said, turning back around and flipping a pancake.

Cas stood up and made his way to the bathroom, gasping loudly when he looked in the mirror. "Holy shit."

He was barely recognizable, the skin around both eyes a shade of dark purple, his cheeks looked as if they'd been hit repeatedly with a rock and his bottom lip was split open.

"Oh my dad. What the fuck, soulmate? What the hell did you do to me?" He ran a hand along his cheek, hissing in pain.

"Fuck." He sighed, hobbling back towards the kitchen.

"Yep. I'm definitely not going to school." 


Sorry it was short. I just wanted to get another chapter out over this weekend.

I have a busy school week coming up...

I have to learn a really hard three page long thing of sheet music for orchestra and I have to memorize at least the first page... yay... also, I have tests in algebra and Spanish, my two highschool classes while I'm in eighth grade sooo....

Hope this wasn't a terrible chapter but I'm wanting his first day back at school to be a chapter on its own so this was just a filler..



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