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Hehe imma be evil and make you wait haha



Sam and Gabe sat in Sam's bedroom, laughing until they heard the noise coming from the other room.

"Ew." Gabe said, his face bunching up in disgust.

"Gabe, I don't think they're-" he paused, holding his finger up to Gabriel's mouth, shushing him, "doing that."

"-no, no! Fuck, Cas! No! Go! Please! Get out!"

"Dean- Dean, come on! Let's talk about this! It could be a good thing!"

"No, Castiel! Get your shit and go! I-I cannot do this right now!"

Sam looked at Gabe. "What the actual fuck?"

"I. Don't. Know." Gabriel whispered.

They heard a bit more yelling and then everything got quiet.

"Um, should we check on them?" Sam whispered, looking at his friend.

"Nah, they're fine. I think. Dean probably found out that Cas is his soulmate."

"Oh, okay." He looked back at his homework before slowly twisting his head back around to look at Gabriel. Gabe had a knowing smirk on his face.

"Wait- WHAT?!"


This is a bit shorter than usual but I've been spending time with my family before my dad goes on a four month long business trip. I'm gonna miss him so much!! He just came back after a three month business trip and is only here for six days :'(

But anyway, I also wanted to be evil and make you wait to know what happened with destiel hehe.

Be happy I gave you a sneak peek!

Until next time-

K baiiii


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