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He woke up to a crashing noise.

He pushed himself off of the hard floor in front of Sam's door, seeing a small piece of yellow paper on the ground.

At park. Meeting a friend.


Dean smiled at his messy scrawl, Sam seemed to be in a hurry when he wrote it.

"Dean?" His father's gruff voice rang out from downstairs.

"Uh, um, yes sir?" Dean asked hesitantly.

"Get down here!" He yelled.

Dean quickly scrambled to his feet, practically running down the stairs.

"Dean, where the hell is my beer?" John yelled, his head actually in the fridge.

"Um. You ran out?"

"No. I had a twelve pack this morning!"

Dean knew there was no point in arguing with his father. It's would only end in pain. And not just for him. His father would be hurting Castiel. And Sam.

"I can go run and buy some more, sir."

Even though Dean was underage, the man who ran the corner store down the street still sold to him. Bobby was his name. He knew how John could get.

"No! You're not gonna do that! You're gonna get punished for drinking my goddamn beer!"

Dean braced himself for the impact of his fathers hand.

But it didn't come.

Something much worse did.




Sam's eyes widened. He looked like he was going into shock.


Sam shook his head slowly.

"I-uh. Um. How? I mean, what- when? This- I'm confused."

"Why are you confused?" Gabriel asked, nervously reaching for Sam's hand(which had go to band hall written on it) and pulling him down to sit on a bench.

"I just- how long have you known?"

"Not until you told me your brother broke his leg or whatever."



They say in an awkward silence until Sam spoke up.

"Thank you."

Gabriel's content smile soon turned to a confused frown.

"For what, Moose?"


And he held up their still conjoined hands, smiling lightly at the shorter boy next to him.

"I'm glad fate picked you."

Grocery Lists and Scattered Scars(destiel)Where stories live. Discover now