Bed Sheets

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My alarms buzzed and I hesitantly opened my eyes. It was the third week of school and I already got the groggy middle of the school year feel. I looked out my window and saw the cool light filter through the shades. I had forgot about my alarm.

We moved to Oregon about six months ago and the rain had permanently altered my mood into a heightened pessimistic attitude. My constantly wet shoes have become tiresome and my nose is done being cold and sniffly.
I slid off my bed and finally hushed my alarm. My closet smelled like wood and moth eaten clothes, it was oh so very welcoming on this early school morning compared to my warm sheets.

I picked out my usual, black jeans, a t shirt and a flannel. Very lesbian-esk.
Grabbing my favorite jacket which contained my pipe and my favorite collection of grass, I slid down my stairs to the narrow hallway to the door. The house was empty as always. Jenny the cat purred her way through my legs signaling me to feed her. "Of fucking course they hadn't fed her, it's not like I have a life too" I muttered to myself. I fed the cat and grabbed a box of chips and slammed the front door, walking out onto the street.
My house was on a street stuffed with houses and roofed by vibrant towering trees, dripping dew and swaying silently.

My shoes squeaked on the wet asphalt. My walk to school was a good 15 minutes but I've grown to enjoy my time. I arrived to my favorite private place, a dumpster at the end of our neighborhood entering and more lower class, they were abondoned. I squeezed myself between the can and the bushes and sat down on the pillow cushions I had brought. Of course they were soaked but it's better than getting an ass full of dirt.

I pulled out my pipe and packed a pretty little bowl and lit up. The smoke warmed my lungs and throat as I exhaled. I spend a few more minutes finishing up and went back on my way.

I approached the school, 500 feet away I stared down the building, dreading the day to proceed I pushed forward. The wet grass soaked my shoes more as I crossed the field and entered the building. The warm, cleaning product air hit me as I walked towards my locker.

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