Well Whats Next

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I had stared at the dusty dash board for what seems like over ten minutes, I watched a fly buzz along the bottom of the windshield and listened to Billies calmed breathing to the left of me.

"I saw your parents got home, so uh, you want to drive around or something." She sounded certain in her suggestion and I turned her idea over in my head.

"Sounds good to me." I settled into the passenger seat and decided that my earlier bitterness was without need. I read her tone as she had a plan beforehand, which was one of her talents.

I noticed the every bump in the asphalt the truck wheel drove over. We continued down the street and my head advanced into the thoughts of how this day was going to progress. I had been spending too much time too often for over a week to be so emotionally invested in this person. The car edged itself into a gas station at the end of town and I scanned the parking lot for people I knew, as we pulled in. 

Billie swung into a parking space close to the door and stepped out, shifting her eye contact over to my gaze. The gas station was one of the less maintained ones at the end of town and I noticed the rusty sweat of the beams holding up the shelter covering the gas glugging area. It was slightly misty and the cloud covered sun glinted off the top of the food mart.

Billies car door clunked shut and signaled me to follow her. My foot hit the pavement and landed with a "spelunk" into a extremely moist puddle; I glared at it and continued after Billies trail of Air Force 1, footprints.

"Hello and welcome to gas and food mart" said a dull, monotone voice from behind the counter. I scanned the rows of cigarettes and finally landed my eyes onto the small man manning the store. The mart had a yellow, fluorescent, aluminating light, that made you feel like you were in a horror movie. I finally actually realized why I was here and felt Billies eyes on me.

"What do ya want, cuz I'm grabbing a slushee."  Billie said with a look that was almost glaring.

"Oh, uhm I can pay for myself, really it's ok."  I looked down at my hand and started picking at my numerous hangnails.

"Fuck off, what do you want? I'm serious."  Her glare wore off and I saw through her 'I'm so cool' mask. I smiled and threw a bag of hot fun-ions at her direction, receiving a narrow eyed squint from the cashier.

I wandered around the isles of the mart and listened to the faint buzz of a fly buzzing around in a trap. I tried not to stare at the top of Billies head over the isles, standing by the slushee stand. I swear to god she felt my eyes linger on her, and turned her head around to catch my eyes and turn my cheeks a violent red.
She turned her back after noticing her impact on my cheeks and made a cheeky remark under her breath. Again, she had kept the slight urge for me to fucking violently murder her with a dirty knife. She made her way to the cash register and I stood behind her and continued to check her out.
We both mutually knew we were at least, kind into each-other, but either were too scared or too cocky to do anything, the cocky part was more of a billie thing, by the way. The ding of the mart door bell rang and gave us a goodbye as we left.

"Noah, you still alive back there?" She said as she wacked me with my bag of hot funions.
"Yes, thank you." I replied, glaring at her over the hood of her car. We slumped back into the nearly ice cold, car seats and I opened up my family size bag of chips.

"You gonna eat them all by yourself?" Her eyes glanced down at my snack after a few moments of quiet.

"That was the plan." I countered sarcastically.

She licked her lips and stuck her straw into her cherry flavored slushee and put the straw into her mouth.

The car tumbled to a start and cool air started to come out of the vents.
"Holy shit" came out of her mouth as she grabbed to the vents to turn them off until the engine warmed up, it was mid November and the air was crisp to say the least. This reaction sparked a giggle from me as I watched her struggle with her half broken, piece of shit, air conditioning system.

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