Daisy Patterned Purse

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I slipped out of my clothes and lifted my heavy comforter so I could slip under it. I didn't bother to turn the lights on and the wood floor was illuminated with a blue light from the rare appearance of the moon. I sensed how many times I blinked as I stared at my ceiling.

The emptiness Billie had left in the pit of my stomach had wrecked my mental state for that month and I abandoned my quest for sleep. The clock on my window sill, slowly ticked by the minutes turning into hours. My eyes slowly started to drift into my pillows.

A thud woke me and I saw myself focus on the figure clumsily climbing in my window. I stared until I actually realized who the fuck it was. Daisy, my best friend from third grade. Her white blond hair was tied up in a little bun on top of her head and it flopped around as she clambered in the window. Her feet hit the ground and we made eye contact.

"I didn't even text you." I said meeting her Chrystal green eyes.

A smile spread across her face and she stepped around my dirty clothes and climbed on my bed, lying next to me. I felt her comforting warmth emanate through the blankets.

"I haven't seen you in a while, and you weren't in school yesterday." She closed her eyes and sighed, shifting into my layers of blankets.

"Yea..I'm glad you came, I should have texted you." She turned towards me with a concerned look.

"What's up?" Her eyes continued to pursue my troubles.

My heart started to race as I skimmed through all the things that have been happening lately, my thought process was tired and late and I couldn't quite grasp everything to explain myself. I rested my head back down on my pillow and reached an arm around daisy. I had missed her. We both sighed in content-ness.

"Would you rather we got on the roof and talked? We could smoke if you want." She smiled and pulled a baggy out of her pocket.

I swung my feet out of my bed and lifted myself onto the floor. We both edged ourselves out the window and sat down on top of my window roof. I ran my eyes over the tops of the neighborhood houses and beyond. The moon was peaking in the sky and some wispy clouds were scattered around. The click of the lighter rang through my ears as I overwhelmed myself with the happenings of this evening.

Daisy shifted towards me and offered me the dooby.

"So what's up." She pleaded.

I sighed and decided to spill my guts.

The slight breeze blew through the maple tree that stood beside the house.

"All my feelings have been overwhelming and just dealing with everything is kinda...shit."

I don't often just talk my heart out but recently, I've needed it. I'm having emotion overload, and I know that everything could be ten times harder that it is, but I'm drained and I'm just tired of what my life is at the moment. The chaos with my dating life, parents, and my current drug habits have my brain wanting to take a nap.

I put a more intricate version of that into words to puke out onto Daisy's lap. She took a moment to collect my arrangement of thoughts and emotions. Her hand rested on mine as the moon continued to drift through the temperate night.

"Well, I'm going to start with what I know." I groaned knowing what's next.

"Dating advice! If I can tell anything, that's where you need some help." She had a continued smile spread over her cheeks.

I studied her outlined figure in the moonlight as she rolled the joint between her fingers. The dark green army jacket she always wore was slumped over her shoulders and her daisy patterned purse was placed gently in her lap with my hand next to it. She stroked the skin on my arm. We were close and had been for over five years. I had never really got into why I wasn't the fondest of men, I never put much thought into it but the problem has arises where it is a crucial element of the plot.

"So, I know you mentioned that a certain someone is causing shit with your feelings?" She looked at me and wiggles her eyebrows, lightening the mood slightly.

She was prodding me to elaborate. I drew a tired smile and looked down at my lap.

"You did hear that correctly." She gave me a look as to say go on.

"Who is it? I probably know him." I gulped and remembered I had to break the awkward ice.

I hear horror stories about how best friends have been turned against each other over this kind of thing. All my time I've spent with this girl, I honestly would never think she would do that to me but that little voice in your head tells you the worst case scenario.

"Uh..Yeah do you know that one kid with uh like the blue hair?" I choked out.

She had a puzzling look on her face as she ran through all the faces from our school.


Damn, she got me.

"Uh uhm, you know billie?"

She shot me a continued puzzled look and questioned.

"Billie that girl that sits with us every once in a while." I sighed and waited for the bombardment of questions.

Her eyes widened slightly and she started to smile.

"This is all about Billie?? I honestly thought you hated her guts!" She was too exited for this time in the morning.

"Yeah, me too."

We continued to talk until the clouds covered up the remaining moon light and the roof was almost pitch black. We felt our way back into my window and I sat on my bed while she closed it behind us.

"Ya know, I know you a little more now and I honestly thought I knew nearly everything." She smiles sweetly and gave me a hug.

"I gotta get outta here, my beds almost definitely cold by now." I nodded my head and watched her re open the window and climb out.

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