Open Window

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I forgot to turn my alarm clock off and it buzzed me awake to an abrupt Saturday morning. I peeked over my comforter and felt the chilly air around me. It felt just about thirty five degrees. I looked around and spotted my window, wide open. It was about six thirty in the morning and I groaned as I knew when I got out of bed to shut the window I would be totally awake. My plans for today were to sleep off my emotions.

The stairs made a load creaking noise as my dad made his way up to the second floor and I hid under my blankets to avoid the harassment.

"Get dressed, you have school." He said through the crack in the door and stormed off.

My mind wandered until I actually could recollect what the fuck he was talking about. I finally set my mind on the time he was in a pissy mood and decided to be a bitch. I really didn't think he'd take it seriously.

I creaked my closet door open and peered inside the rather damp living quarters for my clothes and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and hat. My outfit consisted of a hoodie, black sweatpants, a backwards SnapBack, and some converse. Yes, I am the epitome of sloppy homeless man. :/

The rain gently tapped on the window as I sipped on my steaming cup of coffee. You know that bullshit lie you tell yourself that you actually want to die? Because it's my current mood. The windows had fogged and the glow from my father at the tv added a corny haze to the room.

"We're leaving in ten, I'll drop you off. You're walking home." With a stern tone, he didn't bother to turn around to look at me.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter, bouncing my feet against the cabinets with my green high top converse.


The rumble of my dads white-grey convertible vibrated my ear drums and numbed my weed deprived brain. The stores whizzed by and the high school loomed closer over the car. The car finally shook to a stop as my dad revved the engine to keep it from stalling. I rolled my eyes and flung myself out of the passenger door. The school doors seemed too close to me for comfort and I could feel the anxiety bloating out of it. I watched my feet take me towards the stairs.

My feet clicked along the shiny linoleum hallway that had been polished probably over one thousand times. I could make out my trippy reflection shining back at me.

I stopped in front of the Saturday school homeroom and peered through the window. I spotted five or six people and didn't recognize one of them which was great. The door creaked open and I found a seat.

I felt a gaze shift onto me from the corner of the room where it wasn't visible from the doorway. I closed my eyes and guessed who the fuck it was going to be, and guess what? I was dead on. Billies eyes pierced mine once I turned to face her. Her blue eyes gave me no emotion and I felt goosebumps cover my arms. I turned back around and figured with my pencil.

"Welcome to Saturday school guys! This is where we do our make up work or serves as detention!" The teacher said with an overly excited pitch that almost acted as a dog whistle.

Yeah I'm so excited to be on Saturday detention.

The teacher made his way through the isle of desks handing out homework and old missed assignments. He stopped beside me and pulled out a hefty pile of packets and loose papers.

I felt the pull to turn back around and look at her behind me. She was wearing a red hoodie and a beanie, looking great of course. Her eyes were abnormally lighter blue and complemented her freshly dyed hair. I'm surprised she even came.

The day seemed to be made out of molasses because it was as slow as it. My heart beat faster every time I felt her eyes on me, which disgusted me, which annoyed me even more. The twelve o' clock bell rang that signifies the end of Saturday school. Thank fuck.

I pushed my body weight into the door to swing it open and enter the hallway. I took a few steps before being pulled by my hoodies hood. The yank pissed me off and I wanted to turn around and beat ass because I was not in the mood today.

Billies soft fingers grasped my wrist with a firm grip.

My heart stopped beating for a moment as I still wasn't sure if she hated me or whatever.

"Can you come with me?" Her eyes were tingling with something of pleasure.

I nodded and let her pull me by my hand. I knew I had to be home today exactly on time or I would be obliterated but this point in time I didn't really care, I just wanted to experience something that I haven't in a while.

The crisp air stung my face as we walked towards her car that seemingly looked frozen to the parking spot. The car shook to a start and we heading in the direction out of town.

The trees whizzed by as I assumed we were going about seventy five mph. The car rattled to a sketchy turn and flung itself around it and onto a dirt road. My head was spinning from the lack of food from the past days and before I knew it, we were stopped in front of a medium sized, suburban home. The trim was freshly painted that month and the porch had was swept. Billie kicked open the door and flung her belongings onto the table located in the dining room. I scanned my surroundings until she again grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her room.

"I wanted to talk about some stuff." She fidgeted with her cuticles.

She kicked at her red Air Force 1s and slumped back onto the bed. She looked at the ceiling and licked her lips. She looked so hot in this moment it made me want to scream. I've wanted to so bad to continue the day she spent the time at my house.

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