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I watched her push open my bedroom door and walk down the stairs. My mind finally grasped what happened and I focused my eyes on her grabbing the door handle. She didn't know how to get out of the neighborhood, so fuck if I care. Billie was an exceptionally mesmerizing person, definitely, but at the same time she had a talent for being an absolute ass, she carries herself with such pride and esteem that she almost has a jealousy effect. Yeah, I'm interested in her, I'm not denying it, but fuck me she's an asshole.

I laid back on my bed and filled my head with these thoughts almost to point of loathing, but every time I got to that point, I would drift back to her eyes, staring into mine, mesmerizing me. She knew what she was doing, I didn't, and maybe that's what I need.
I let my bed pull me into my many layers of blankets. I stared at my ceiling for what must have been an hour. The grey light coming through the window slowly turned darker to black. My eye lids opened to a dark room and a cold floor. Turning on my bedside lamp, a grabbed my phone, no new messages. Shamed to say, I really did think she would have texted me. I thought I wasn't that naive but here I am, thirsty for more human contact from one interaction.

I heard the front door squeal open and wet boots walk through the hallway, they never wipe their feet. I didn't hear any voices which wasn't uncommon. I decided not to greet them, if they want to say hi then they can go for it.
My parents were never the best people, I don't have those fond memories of love and affection, maybe one or two. They aren't bad people just, I guess, shouldn't have kids.
I got up and closed my door, slithering out of my clothes and reaching under my blankets to settle into my sheets. I let my mind wander back to the subject of Billie just to get to sleep. I didn't want to, but at this point I'm done fighting my head with her.

My phone buzzed. I stared through my foggy eyes to my alarm clock.
4:25 am
Yea fuck off
I was still tempted to grab my phone off my stack of books substituting a table.
Unknown number
I slid it open to the message reading: hey ur really chill we should hang out again broski
I knew who it was, my heart felt relief from my earlier anger and frustration. She actually put effort, wow.
I changed the number to ocean eyes into my phone, that didn't need an explanation. I sunk back into my bed and fell back into a deadly sleep.

The clock violently buzzed 6:30 am once again. The dim light filtered through my window and I sunk back lower into my sheets. My feet were cold and I wasn't ready for them to be colder. I was enveloped in warmth.
My alarm continued to buzz, I peeped out of my blankets and stared at the end of my bed, I finally decided to get out of my bed and step onto my wood floor, I ventured into my closet and sat on the floor. I didn't want to see her at school, I wanted to see her at my house, with me, where I could grasp what's going on instead of a blur between me and her. I was feeling too deeply and pushed the thoughts out of my head. I've hung out with her once, I have no right to be thinking of some girl that thinks she can come into my life like that.
Fuck that

I got up and quickly dressed. I wasn't hungry today. Setting out on my walk, I stuck my hand down into my pocket, I felt an object and pulled out a lighter that I recognized as billies, it read ocean eyes on the back. I rolled my eyes and stuck it back into my pocket and kept walking.

The school appeared at the end of the road as it always did, the reddish brown brick building sat coldly, surrounded by downed leaves. Entering the building and starting off another shit ass day at this dick sucking fuck face of a school.

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