Pillow Talk thats not Pillow Talk

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I threw my hip into my front door, pushing in the door. No one was home, as usual. I grabbed billies wrist and brought her up the stairs just right of the door. I shoved her into my room and slid back down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen cuboard. I grabbed an armful of snacks and headed back with drinks stuck in my arm.

I pushed my bedroom door open and scanned the room for Billie, she was sitting on my computer chair in that doughe bag way, having the chair turned backwards in between their legs. Her dikey style plus her feminine looks were delightful, to say the least.

I dropped all the food onto my bed and belly flopped onto my blankets. I eyed down Billie out of the corner of my eye.
"Hmmm is that a xbox I see??"
I watched her snatch the controller off of the table. She excitedly booted it up.
"Why yes bill, you CAN play my Xbox, thanks for asking!!"
I said sarcastically. She gave me a dirty look and got up. She made her way toward the bed towering over me. Her eyes were glued to me, and so were mine. Her body language was dominant and intimidating. She stopped at the end of my bed and slid her hand up my legs, causing shivers and a narrowed look from me. Fear and arousel Settled over the room as she slipped her hand over me and grabbed a bag of mini Doritos and retracted back to the computer chair, slumping back down. I let an angry sigh out and rolled over to grab myself some snacks.

Billie likes to stare at pretty girls.

I caught every one of her glances that she thought she was oh so smooth. She would play twenty seconds of her game and tilt her head and glance at me and resume. She did this atleast ten times until I finally reacted. I'm not sure if that was her plan but if it was it's going accordingly. I got up placed my hand on her shoulder, running my hand behind her hair and along the crook of her neck. I felt chills run up her spine, that gave me pleasure, getting a reaction out of someone so good at hiding them. She shrugged my hand off.

"What are you doing?"
She looked back at me from her game with hooded eyes.

" you can't just do that and not pay any attention to me."
She gave me a weird look.

"Do what?"
She asked, confused.

"Bill, shut the fuck up, you know."
She gave me a snobby smirk.

" no baby, I can't say I do."
I rolled my eyes and sat back on my bed. I didn't know how someone could turn me on and annoy the fuck outta me at the same time.

She winked at me and turned back around to focus on that goddamn game.
We were still moderately slow from the weed we smoked, but I think it was wearing off of her her faster than me.

She died one last time and turned around in the chair, she stood up and took steps towards me.

I was hanging my arms off the end of my bed, so my head was crotch level with her when she got to my bed. She shoved her dick area by my head, and started to laugh. I shoved her away and punched her in the stomach.
"Yea ughh,,, fuck you noahhhhh."
She exhaled, pretending to vomit.
A smile reached across my face, and she caught onto it and brought her eyes to mine. Once again her eyes pierced mine and I felt my stomach drop.

Still standing, she grabbed my jaw and lifted it up with her eyes still glued to mine.
She pushed me back so I was sitting on my knees. She leaned in close to me and brushed my lips.

"You want me, don't you?"
I felt her hot breath against skin, it sent chills down my spin. I looked back into her eyes, they had turned into a burning blue, a deeper lustful color.

I pulled my head away from her grasp, looking down into the floor.
"What are you scared?"
She said chuckling.

She looked back to my face, seeing I was burning up, she grabbed my chin, tilting my head back slightly to meet my lips, kissing and slowly working down and latching onto my neck faster than I could objectify. I felt my anger dissolve into pleasure.
She pulled away and looked into my face, she finally gave me a genuine, sweet smile.

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