Daydream Darling

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I stared out the passenger window as we sped through town, a common occurrence of this week. My mind burned with the need to be closer to her. The split seconds I've enjoyed with her had only fueled this desire, I needed her just close to me, I needed to feel her. I caught myself daydreaming about her lips, her heavy breathe on my neck. The pleasure I get from her staring at me like I'm hers.

The car screeched around the culdesac and jolted me out of my thoughts.

We arrived at an unknown house and parked half way into the drive way. The truck had barely been stopped before Billie jumped out shooting me a glance and waved her hand to say 'don't follow'. I slouched back into the seat and watched her pound on the door. Her anger seemed to stick to the atmosphere. It scared me slightly but also turned me on. I could feel the looks she gave me, hot lust.  She had control and she knew it, with this power she could do what she wills.

The door opened with the chain lock still attached, a wide eyed woman peeked through and scanned the street making eye contact with me, then back to billie. I heard light murmurs from their conversation then the girl let Bill in. I saw hesitation before she entered. I light worry was in the back of my mind but I felt that Billie was unstoppable in this point in time.

The clock read 10:17

Billies phone buzzed in the center console and made me jump slightly. I squinted at the screen.
Stephani: 1500 reeders st 3am.

This message intrigued me. Before I could make an action Billie emerged from the house and paced back to the car. She closed it with little noise and snapped her hand to her phone, shoving it deep into her pocket. I was curious to say the least but I pushed any conclusions to this away. The least I could do was know where she was going tonight.

The car rumbled to a start and we pulled out onto the street in the direction of my house. I watched the street signs blur pass my eyes until we pulled into mine. I slammed the car door behind me and walked up to my front door.
"I Uh,, don't have a key on me." I said hesitantly.

"Oh ?" Billie said staring at the back of my neck. I smiled to myself and started to walk off to the side of the house where my window was. I clambered up the tree as Billie followed me, standing at the bottom of the tree. I got to the window and pulled it upwards nearly falling as I did so. I fell into my room with little ease.
"Open the front door!" She yelled from the base of the tree.

"Just climb up!" I shouted as I entered my closet.

"Fuck no!" She replied.
I rolled my eyes and peeled my hoodie and T-shirt off, slipping off my bra as well. I grabbed a loose shirt on the ground and hurried down the stairs.

The door unlocked and I let Billie in.

"Make yourself comfortable." I said as I trotted back up the stairs.

I sat on my bed contemplating the rest of the night and how it was going to unfold. My heart started to race as I imagined Billies finger tips drag along my skin. I blinked myself awake and finished changing.

I peered down the stairs and saw the kitchen lights emanate light into the hallway. Walking around the corner, I saw her making her way around the kitchen with a half eaten bagel in her hand. I walked towards her as I tried to anticipate her mood. She looked great tonight, now that I could actually see her in the light. Her clothes didn't quite give me much image of her figure but I didn't mind, her body language have me enough to work with. She pulled her head around and gave me a light smile.

The kitchen was glowing yellow and filled my heart with some hope that my life wasn't going to completely suck. I slid myself on top of the counter and over looked Billies actions.

"You want anything? I'm not too sure where anything is but I think I could manage." She said sticking her finger into the cream cheese.

"I'm fine." She would just fuck up the kitchen. We exchanged looks and I hoped mine let her know how I was feeling. I wanted her so bad at this moment. She looked so good. All I wanted was for her to give into her desires and be close to me. I knew she wanted me, I saw it in her eyes.

She turned around away from the counter and let her eyes travel up my legs and up my chest until finally meeting my eyes. I felt my cheeks turn red and swore to myself for it. The gap between us felt unbearable, I felt her eyes burning into me. The room filled with tension as the silence settled. She took the few steps to fill the gap and stood in between my legs a few inches from me. I felt my heart race as I looked into her icy blue eyes. She drug her eyes along my jaw finally meeting my stare. The moment was burning a hole into my ability to control myself and not fall on to her.

Finally she gave in and moved towards me to place her hands on my hips. She pushed herself into me and met my lips with hers. I closed my eyes and fell into the pleasure of being in her control. The grasp around my waist was firm and assertive, she had power. My hands were white knuckled on the counter trying to keep myself steady. I removed my hands from the counter down to the bottom of her back pulling them up to the base of her neck. She leaned in closer to continue the contact she had with my lips. She began to play with my bottom lip and bite. My body tingled at the sensation and I reveled in the moment. I let my hands tangle themselves in her hair. My body was overcome with desire for her I could barely keep myself sane. I let out a light gasp as she pulled my lip between her teeth and grip my waist with firm hands.

Before I could stop it, Billie pulled away from me and turned away. She left me confused and flustered.

"Fuck" She said in a panicky voice. "What time is it?" She turned back to me and gave me a worried look.

"Uh-uhh" I struggled to turn to read the microwave clock.

"It's eleven thirty."

She brushed off her worried look and turned back to her bagel. Tease.

If she wasn't going to give me what I wanted I was just going to give her as much trouble as I desired. "Why are you so conserved with the time? You never seem to be on time." I added with a hint of bitchiness.

"Shit to do Noah, you wouldn't get it." She gave me a cocky wink, but I wasn't feeling it. I rolled my eyes and walked away out of the kitchen. I knew this pissed her off to the max. I was hoping it would.

I got to the stairs until I could hear her footsteps. She turned the corner to face me only inches apart. Her eyes glued to mine, they were a deeper blue than normal, anger burned into them. "Why would you do that? You know I fucking hate that." She said practically spitting the words at me.

"Why do you think, Bill." I said returning her burning stare.

Her hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into her, almost knocking the breathe out of me. I tried to pull away from her but was reinforced with her grip on me. She dominated me and I fell limp, letting her over come me. She took a step and pushed me into the wall beside the staircase and push further into the heated kiss. Her hands pushed up from my hips to my wrists latching onto them. I gasped for air through her rough kisses. I felt my knees wobble but her body weight hold me up.

Billies pocket began to vibrate and she released my hands and took a step away from me to reach into her pocket and open her phone. I wasn't capable of being annoyed this time.

She tapped a few words in and slid the phone back into her pocket. "There's a party tonight, I don't know if I told you about it."

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