Before We Go

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"Where must we be off to Bill?" I said giving Billie a loving look. Again, she looked great, I let my eyes wander her form. Finally she wasn't wearing a baggy shirt but a black tank top. My eyes lingered at her chest until she lifted my chin with her finger tips. I felt myself blush.

"We should skip town by the end of today but I think we could crash at my pals house for a bit." That sounded quite romantic amirite?? I nodded and rolled up the passenger window that was letting in the cold rainy air from outside.

The truck started with a rumble and crept out of the parking spot. Billies knuckles were tight on the steering wheel and slightly bruised. This stirred concern in me, I hope she's ok. God knows I could just ask her but I felt it wasn't a good time for that. The question burned in my chest about daisy, the cops, even her family. All these things I just didn't know about her made me want more of her. I wish I could know everything about her, just lay and listen to her stories, but I haven't been getting much talk out of her lately or really ever.

We continued to drive out of town, the further we went the more this house felt like an escape. This made sense and I let it happen I didn't mind being this far out as long as it was with her. I watched the massive trees whir by and take my anxiety away. "We're really out here.. right?" I felt dumb with the question I had just presented her with but still anticipated and answer.

"He lives pretty far for a few reasons." She chuckled to herself and loosened the death grip she had in the wheel. This lightened the mood a bit and I let my breath out a bit. Billie slid her tongue over her soft lips and continued to watch the road as she pulled into a dirt road. The gravel spit against the doors of the truck and woke me slightly from my vegetative state. We continued on the road for the most part of ten minutes. How goddamn far is this place?

"This place is far enough of to make me feel like I'm going to be consumed by a group of cannibals." Billie chuckled at this remark and slowed down to pull into a driveway. The house was a quaint cabin situated under a fir tree forest. I spotted a large tent behind the house and speculated what was growing under it. Probably pot.

Billie knocked on the front door and stuck her hands into her pockets. She smiled lightly at me. "Nervous?" She said with a enduring look.

"A bit." I said tapping my foot on the door mat. Billie returned with another reassuring smile and lifted her hand to my arm. A slouched standing, long haired, blond, white boy opened the door and smiled widely at us. "What's up guys!?" He said with an overly excited expression on his face. He was barefoot, shirtless, but wearing a pair of basket ball shorts, which I was grateful for. The overwhelming smell of weed overcame me as soon as we stepped in the door. Billie looked like she was in heaven and went straight to the kitchen to check out the fridge. After grabbing a bowl of cereal she sat jumped up to sit on the counter. "Boy do I have a story for you!" She set her bowl in her lap after pulling the drawer out to grab a spoon and prepared to tell a tale. I was excited to listen to what the fuck was going on these past hours.

She looked in my direction and pointed to a chair, signaling me to sit down. I did as asked and tried to sit in a natural looking position. Her friend, I yet didn't know the name of, leaned against the counter opposite of Billie. She took in a deep breath and started to talk.

"So I got one of my sketchier jobs done a few nights ago and every thing was going fine, no problems right?" We all nodded. "But when I was out doing the deed, after I left the house this big ass mother fucker came up and grabbed my arm, going on about some shit about Eric Hummel. I didn't know the name so I brushed it off and continued on my way. Well, turns out I should've payed attention because this guy is serious business." She stopped for a minute to eat a few bites of her cereal. Her friend looked at me and gave me a toothy grin.

"Shit! Noah, this is Michael, also known as hard mike. He's been my best friend for ever now." I nodded at her and smiled back at the guy now named Michael. Billie put her bowl back and went on with her story.

"So, this Eric dude heard about me and what I do so now he's trying to find where the fuck I stay. With what he wants from me I don't know. I hope it's that he thinks I'm good at my job and nothing serious, but shit still makes me nervous." I analyzed what she was talking about but she hadn't mentioned anything about cops.

"Is any of that involved with cops?" I said with a puzzled look. Billie looked at me with the same confused stare. "No? Strictly black market Noah. If cops got any wind of this, everything would be fucked." I felt stuck in the middle without any knowledge to the matter. A knot formed in my stomach.

"Daisy texted me about cops and how you're in a lot of trouble." Billies eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched. Micheal stirred in the uncomfortable silence. "Right" She said finishing her cereal. I hoped I hadn't angered her, I was just trying to see what was going on.

"I have no idea what your friend daisy is talking about but you can't let her know your with me. Not a fucking word, ok?" She has a stern look on her face and put a bit of fear into me. Her angered tone made me uneasy. "Promise." I continued to tap my foot on the ground.

Micheal left his spot on the counter and made his way towards the door, grabbing his Keyes on the way. "Make yourself at home." He waved and exited with a sheepish smile. Billie watched the door until the door handle returned to its rightful position. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, did I?" Billie shot me a worried look which I hadn't seen before. I was slightly taken a back from this gesture but accepted it gladly. She slid off the counter and stepped towards me. I smiled and felt myself blush as she stood intimidatingly over me.

"Things have been stressful lately, would you like to de stress a bit?" My mind switched between what she meant. I knew we were in a house alone and with plentiful quantities of marijuana. She turned on her heel and I quickly followed her to the room she was walking towards. She flicked on the light switch and revealed a dimly lit bedroom. A bong was placed thoughtfully on the table. We made eye contact and she spotted my automatic smile at the suggestion of weed.

We occupied our time with the plant and let the time go by. After going through five or six bowls and placed myself on the bed and waited for Billie to follow. She laid next to me and began to run her fingers through my short brown hair. Her touch instantly made me melt into her hands. I began to drift off into sleep and I could tell she was about to do the same. Her large arms stretched around my waist, pulling my into her chest. Her warmth took over my body and we both fell asleep.

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