#1 crush

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Smut warning.
I finally had gotten out of my pajamas and finished doing shit around the house. The house was still empty and it gave me comfort. I had my seventeenth birthday over six months ago and I had still not gotten my license, not that I had a car to drive but I have dreams. I wanted to get it sometime this month. No one will bother to drive me, not even my dad. I was feeling slightly overwhelmed with the subject at hand and stared off at my backpack in the corner. My weed jar on my table was sitting there empty and hurt my heart a bit more.

Buzz buzz

My phone vibrated on my nightstand.

Billie 💕: u around ?

My heart jumped slightly and I smiled to myself. I remembered last night and made my heart beat out of my chest. Aggressive sexual affection. How romantic.

Yea I'm at home .

I tapped into my phone and threw it into my bed. After pulling together a sloppy Sunday outfit I waited at my phone. Nerd pushed my door open slightly and brushed his tail along the wall, his big green eyes widened to take in the sun light in my room. My phone vibrated and my eyes latched in its direction.

Billie 💕: I'm coming over , be there in five.

Fuck. I looked like shit and wasn't mentally prepared for Billie, can't say I wasn't excited to see her. I scrambled around, organizing my room until she arrived. The sun was out and created a yellow glow in my room. I was hoping for a good day today.

Billies car rumbled outside my house and I waited for the front door to open. Footsteps padded up the stairs and I sat on the bed awaiting Billies appearance. I met her heavenly eyes as she turned the corner and gave me a warm smile.

"How ya feeling babe?" She continues to smile at me.

I felt my cheeks redden and I drew my gaze to the floor. "Pretty good, I'm outta weed though."

Billie chuckled and stepped close to me. I brought my eyes down her face and stared momentarily at her lips.

"That's a bummer." She said drawing her face closer to mine, slipping a rather icy hand behind my back. She envelopes me in her kiss once more, making my body glow. She smiled through the kiss and shot my heart off to the moon. " I haven't been home since yesterday, I was wondering if I could use your shower?" She said after pulling away.
The question surprised me slightly but I wasn't bothered by it. I like just having her in my presence.

"Yeah, go for it." I watched as she threw a duffle bag into my room. Sitting on the ground, she began to pull through the mess of oversized shirts and hoodies. She picked out shit and headed down the hallway.

"Join me if you want." She said over her shoulder.

The comment stirred up my breathing pattern. Of course I would love to enjoy a hot shower with my dream girl. My mind rushed to telling me she probably didn't actually mean it. She had the tendency to be sarcastic while I was more likely to be self loathing. I hope she doesn't take it as a 'I don't wana' sign, I definitely wanted to. The current events left my emotions confused and on a happier note, quite an unusual occurrence for me. I heard the shower turn on and I watched the steam come through the wide crack above the door. This house was a half way crack house and not in the best state. My dad seemed to pay no heed to it either which definitely helped.

The shower switched off and I waited impatiently for Billie to get back. I turned my Xbox on and switch on Netflix, playing 'That 70s Show' crossing my fingers shat she wouldn't judge me on my taste in sappy 90s tv shows.

The door swung open and Billie emerged, suited up in a baggy hoodie and shorts. "Dyke" I laughed to myself. I felt her light eyes on me and it made me shiver, I anticipated her touch. Her body weight shifted the bed down and she leaned onto the back board, laying next to me.
"What's this shit?" She said, squinting at the tv.

"Uhm yea it's that 70s show." I replied with an uncomfortable sigh, she wasn't familiar. Her face scrunched "kinda gay." She smiled and put her hand on my leg. Nerd jumped up on the bed and settled in between her legs. He doesn't usually like much of anyone beside me.

Billies hand slid up to my stomach and she reached over to kiss me. She enveloped my whole body in bliss and I closed my eyes into the kiss. I felt her tongue ask for entrance, as I granted it I rolled onto my side and let her take the lead. Her mouth dragged along my jaw down my neck and I rested my head back on to the pillow. Her heavy kisses started I fire in me, all I wanted was more of her, all I could think about was her touch.

She got up from the bed to kick the door closed, shoving nerd off with her. My heart started to beat out of my chest as she stalked back to the bed slowly, her eyes stung to me as she got back into the bed. My legs were stretched out in front of me, sitting at my feet she smoothed her hands gently over my stomach. Her eyes trailed down my form, (my rather formless form) and tucked under my shirt. She moved her hands up to clutch my breast, squeezing before releasing and palming over my chest.

"You should take your clothes off." She husked in my ear. Her eyes were dark blue, displaying her affection for me.

I looked into her eyes as I laughed slightly out of her unruliness. I slipped off my top layers and threw them across the room. Billie tugged a smile and leaned down close to my face, pulling down to my breast. Her tongue swirled around my nipple eliciting a moan on my part.

"I've wanted to touch you for so long." Billie huffed. My chest rose as her fingers drew circles down my chest, stopping at my belt she groaned. Why did I wear jeans?? I sat up to fiddle with my belt and Unbutton them.

"Not that easy baby girl." Billie said drawing out her words.

She began to kiss down my stomach, stopping to suck on my hip bones right above my underwear. She slid my jeans down to let me kick them off.

Third person POV

Noah's chest rose as Billie bit into her tender skin, teasing the moment. Noah's lip was grinding between her teeth while continued to kiss along her thighs. Her finger met Noah's clit gently and started to swirl growing the tension. Her moans filled the room along with Hyde going on a tangent about some thing about his apartment. Billie angled herself on top of Noah's legs, still kissing along her thighs. "You're so wet for me baby, hmmm?" Gaining a slightly more excited moan on Noah's behalf. "P-p-please Bill, I need you." She panted.

Billie pulled a slight smile and applied more pressure on Noah's center, watching for a reaction. She grabbed her panties violently tugging them off and throwing them on the floor. Noah's chest rose and fell softly, giving Bill a dark stare. She slid her tongue along her thigh up to her sex, keeping eye contact. She lost herself in Billies deadly look, only anticipating the pleasure. She placed her hands into Billies fresh shower hair. Her fingers tangled messily and tugged slightly. Billie snapped her hand to her pulling it out of her hair and pinning it to the mattress.

"Don't fucking touch me slut." Noah took in a sharp breathe and shut her eyes. Billies fingers finally made contact with her wet sex, sliding them up and down, still teasing. "Please billy please,,," Noah gasped, pleading with her eyes. Billy ignored her and continued to tease her until she was a moaning mess. She watched until Noah was practically gone before she pushed her fingers in her wet sex. A load moan was returned. "If you can't keep yourself quiet, I'll just have to stop before you can cum for me, my little toy." Bill hummed, pumping into Noah.

Billie brought herself to Noah's neck and began to form multiple hickeys. By this time Noah was shaking and grinding up trying to get as much contact from Billie as possible. She brought her hand up to her neck to slip her fingers around her neck and squeeze. Noah's mouth opened slightly, holding onto struggled breath. She was barely holding onto reality as Billie pumped faster with more speed. Noah let out struggled moans until bill released her throat slightly. "I-I-can't bill, fuck, make me cum please." She gasped grinding harder onto Billies hand. Billie moaned quietly with the sight of the writhing girl.

"I told you to be fucking quiet." She returned, cutting off Noah's air. Billie worked her fingers faster until Noah's back rose from the mattress falling silent for a moment before letting out a ragged, choked moan. Her wet cum gushed over billies hand as she slowed and let go of her throat.

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