Fucking Billie

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I opened my locker and started grabbing my first period books. I stared longingly into my dark personal space where I had hung up a poster for Marilyn Manson, (my goth daddy of course). I rocked back onto my heels and slammed the door.
"Shitt !"

Billie was standing, leaning on the locker next to me giving my her cocky lil smirk she always does. Billie has been bugging me since about a week and a half ago. I have no clue her purpose but she's fucking there.
" watsap   ? "

She said non-chalantly, taking her weight off of the locker and standing straight. Her white blue eyes pierced mine as she inquired an answer.
"Nothing fag, what do you think?"
I answered with an attitude.
" well baby better get some eye drops cuz u look ragged "
I rolled my eyes and brushed by her shoulder, she had been using "baby" as a platonic nickname which is definitely not my thing. The word angered my so I decided to just walk away, and bullshit no way I'm fucking blasted over one bowl. Fucking idiot.

Admittedly she made me angrier than she should have the power to, why? I can't answer. It might be her endless comebacks and cocky attitude or simply the way she dresses. Her style is a cross between dyke, basketball player, and skater boy but she keeps to her claim that she's straight. I call bullshit. But it's not like I give a fuck though.

I sling my backpack on to my shoulder after walking with it on my arm for a good five minutes. I heard her shoes tread behind me and I spun around. Her mouth curled into a smile.

" I couldn't let you leave me so quick baby, how's your day going?"
"It's going fine, why?"
I answered with a snap.
" wellll I was wondering if you have plans tonight because I always see you walk home alone, not to mention your pocket smells pretty lonely."
She was referring my sash.
" well I promise you, me and my pipe are not lonely and need no help from you."
She smiled and made her way a few feet closer to me. We were still just standing in the freshman hallway.I was praying the bell would ring soon, my heart started beating in my chest noticeably load. This particularly got onto my nerves because there's no reason for my body to react this way just because the shit head, billie, was within two feet of me.
"Well think about it because I think you actually would appreciate the company."
She walked past me before I could respond with a bitchy response.

The bell rang and I took my time walking to my English class as I particularly didn't appreciate the teacher of that subject.
Maybe I would enjoy some company, it's not like I have anything better to do. Oh shut the fuck up you hate her, she gets on every one of your nerves and makes your blood boil! Buttttttt come to think of it I could use a smoke buddy? But Billie? Nah.
I entered the classroom and slumped down into my chair and ignored the glare the teacher was giving the back of my head.

The class drug on and my drug wore off. My mind continuously raked over the thought of hanging out with Billie. Her face would pop up occasionally and I would punch it back.
My head slowly lowered onto the desk and my eye lids lowered, my mind flipped through images of her eyes, her lips, and her smirk.
The teachers voice echoed through my empty skull. I jolted my head up when my brain turned back on and made the connection to that name,,, it was mine.
"Uhh yeaaa."
I lifted up my head and tucked my hair behind my ears.
"Have you noticed that you have missed the later half of this hour ?????!"
The teacher exhaled his word vomit, almost shitting himself in the process.  
I slipped out of my mouth with little to no effort.
"Well hopefully you can actually pay attention to the rest of this lecture."
He made his way back to his desk and proceed with the mind numbingly boring torture technique - the lecture - .

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