Xbox Home Screen

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I didn't mention what part of the house her room was located. In the garage they had built a makeshift divider to wall off half the garage; with her cement floor and blanket door, the room was slightly disheartening but I didn't care. I've spent many a time in worse places than this.

The tv standing propped against the wall lit up with the Xbox one logo and displayed the home screen. It shed a small amount of light onto billies face. The room was quiet and I felt a span of anxiety in my head. I was worried what she was going to ask of course but I also felt like I should just enjoy her company.

"You know Noah, I think you're really chill and I hope we're cool right ?" Billie ended her sentence with a light smile in my direction.

The question was slightly dry but I'll take it. The smile made me feel like she actually cared a little bit and the words invested a bit of trust in her. I analyzed her face while she was facing the tv and I felt her try to lighten up the mood and start a conversation, which is what we needed at the moment.

"I mean these times are being shitty and I think I've been doing that back to you." Billie continued. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and shifted my gaze onto the opening screen of black ops four.

"I've been a dick recently." She admitted and ended her sentence.

I felt like she was sincere but I know you can't change someone with an apology. I saw the cocky Billie still there.

"When are you not a dick Bill? Is this a new thing, huh?" I said with a smile. Billie shifted in her spot and remained neutral.

"I mean like really Noah." She kept a stern look on her face, I just wanted her to lighten up. 

"Right Billie are we all supposed so just take everything so close to heart? You of all people showed me that." I was a little annoyed with the sudden impression that she wanted me to care. This whole time she was keeping it nonchalant so how was I supposed to think she actually wanted something serious.

She raised her eyebrow and met my glance.

"I gave you that impression?" She answered.

"Kinda." Now it was my turn to fall silent; leaving the queue on her.

"I never wanted to make you feel like that baby." She looked me straight in the eyes with a gentle hand on my leg. I felt myself quiver once she had placed the hand on my leg. The start up of a match of call of duty interrupted the moment we didn't actually have.

Her focus went back on the tv and I felt my heart raise into my chest as hope was re instilled into my brain. I didn't reply to the words but left it at a silent agreement.

She slouched back against the wall and I heard the house shudder as her mother had gotten home from work. Billie got up from her almost hibernation den in the bed and disappear behind the blanket door leading through the garage. I picked up on the game and heard raised voices in what I assumed was the kitchen. I decided to ignore it and continue the game.

The set of stairs creaked as Billie entered the garage and flung the blanket door over her head till she laid herself down next to me. She let out a frustrated sigh and I tried to keep myself from becoming entranced in her eyes.

Billie didn't take back her controller so I continued to play her game. She didn't seem to notice and sunk more into her bed. Her hand brushed against my thigh and rested beside it.

"Sorry if my parents are disrupting something." Her voice was calm and content. I had to make of the question without help.

"No? Why would it?" I focused on the game.

"I don't know, I don't think my house is the best environment or some shit." She tilted her head towards the ceiling.

Her answers kept me puzzled but I didn't feel the drive to understand what the fuck she was talking about. All I could think about was her soft lips and how I wanted to feel them again. Her pale blue eyes glinted off the light in the room. I felt myself being pulled by my body weight towards her, I usually stop myself when that happens. I stopped myself a few inches from her face and waited for a response. Her almost silver eyes drew to my lips and hesitated, looking briefly until pulling her head away from me and sitting back up.

This enraged me slightly and I threw her the controller, fucking dickhead.

"Are you going to feed me?" I said with attitude.

She gave a slight smile along with an eye roll.

"Mmmhmmm" She said and sulked out of the room.

She was being a dick again, but not a serious one. I was grateful for this and wanted to play along to see what it could get me. A bag of tortilla chips flung through the door and appeared afterwards a shining Billie. I appreciated her beauty for a second before returning to my snack.

She sat herself down on the corner of the bead close to my back and I felt her eyes on the back of my neck. I had my hair in a sloppy pony tale that was probably lopsided and scraggly. I tried to focus on the game but all I could think about was her looking onto my neck.

I pulled my head around and met her eyes. I watched her take her eyes across my neck and back up to my lips, not even trying to show that she wanted to engage in conversation. I felt her hand pass across my thighs to my lower back. I hope she enjoyed my potato sack textured drug rug.
She stopped her hand there and I let her bring her head to the corner of my mouth and shift down to my neck. She didn't touch me until she brushed her lips across my neck, leaving a few kisses and sending chills down my spine.

The room was completely dark from the lack of windows as the Xbox screen shifted to power save mode.

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