She Knows

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Great! Half this chapter was deleted !!! Now I have to write it all over again!

I tried to focus my eyes on the tv that was placed a few feet in front of me. Shifting around on the couch, my foot touched a body and made me jump slightly. I realized Billie was snuggled soundly in the pillows, still in the same position from last night. My heart warmed as I studied her pale skin. I lifted the blankets quietly, trying not to wake her and made my way to my jacket where my weed was stationed.

I watched Billies chest rise and fall as she let out small breaths. She was so peaceful and beautiful. I valued the time I had with her, let alone the freedom to just stare at her. I packed my bowl and started my morning off right.

The coffee was brewing by the time I saw Billies eyes blink open. Her drowsy morning eyes were something to die for. She stretched and slumped up, letting out a long sigh.

"Good morning" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

I smiled at her contently and motioned her to come to the kitchen. I brushed my brunette hair out of my face, as it was pissing me off because it was just a bit too short too put up into a ponytail.

Billie lumbered over behind me as I mixed milk and sugar into my coffee. Her gentle hand slid down my side and triggered a shiver through my body.

"Did you sleep good baby?" She hummed into my ear.

I felt my cheeks burn. "I did." I replied with a shy smile. Her hand reached over my head to grab a mug and set it on the counter, continuing to rest her hand on my hip and grip slightly. I started to step away from the counter to let her reach the coffee but she kept a steady hand on my hip to keep me in place.

I felt her soft breathe on my neck and I waited in excitement for her touch. She placed soft kisses up my neck and behind my ear before releasing her grip. Losing my balance slightly, I shuffled out of the way and watched her pour her coffee. She knows what power she has over me, I can feel it in her looks alone.

We sipped our coffee in comfortable silence while the soft, dim, Oregon light filtered through the window. I smiled to myself and enjoyed the moment. She was enjoying it too.

"I think my dad is coming home today, or sometime today." Billies eyes flashed up from her cup and lingered at my feet. "Does that mean I have to go?" Her face dropped slightly in wait for the response.

"I don't think so, he's probably not even going to be here until ass crack morning hours." She smiled and returned to her beverage.

We were both leaning on the counters facing each other, comfortable closeness. I felt myself slowing falling into the black hole of high school relationships. My brain screamed at me to get out while my heart sang to stay. Following my heart never turned out well in the past, but the good times I could see blocked out my past trauma.

I moved myself over to open the fridge and inspect the contents. Yes, mustard, milk, and a single onion. A dry smell emitted, spurring me to seal the fridge door.

"Looks like we're a little lacking in the food department, yea?" I nodded in agreement.


The door bell of the local supermarket rang in my ear as I followed closely to Billie. The one with the money is the leader of the food hunting. I watched the overhead lights shine on the linoleum and reflect my distorted apearence. Billie always seemed to be well equipped. How she was in possession of such freedom excited me. Even though it was simple, 'adult money' or a functioning car. It was comforting to know she was able to control her environment and provide for herself.

Her handheld basket slowly filled as we both spotted items to fill the house.

We were stopped at the cereal section and I tapped my foot in anticipation between Froot Loops or Frosted Flakes. She tossed the Froot Loops in and we moved to the check out isle.

Over the registers, I spotted a girl from the school that I recognized. I was ashamed to say that I cared a bit too much about my social appearance and tried to keep out of her sight. I wasn't scared of her per say, just what could come out of her mouth. My school loved to talk, especially about relationships. I knew I dabbled in the small talk but when the subject was turned to yourself, I scared me. I hoped she hadn't spotted me and my Billie.

As we slopped our way through the after rain puddles, my mind ran through my words I was using to describe Billie. The possessive feeling whelmed in my chest. She was mine. Finally. My Billie to hold to my chest and keep me safe. She hadn't proven that she could do all that, but my brain was already connecting the dots that she was here to stay, while in reality I knew damn well she was on the moment. That how Billie was. Slightly self centered momentary happiness fueled. My heart sank as I faced this reality. Anyone can pick up and leave at any moment. I didn't know a single word what was going on in her head.

I kicked the front door open and heaved the groceries on the counter, Billie followed and we continued the grocery ritual.


I slammed the fridge door and threw the remaining empty bags into the trash. Billie looked back at me and we went back up to my room to finish the day even though it was only 12:30.

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