Deep Shit

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I woke from my nap as Billie jolted out of the bed on the sound of her phone ringing. She hurriedly grabbed her jacket and started to run out of my room. Slightly hazed from my sudden awakening, I gave her a worried look as she turned around. "I have to deal with something." She said with an awfully worried look on her face. My heart began to pump to a beat I wasn't comfortable with as I sat in my now empty bed. I opened my iMessage.

Tell me whatsap when your done?

I hoped she would fulfill this question is a relatively short time but I didn't put too much faith into it. The front door slammed and soon enough I heard her truck rumble down the street. My heart sunk as I felt the warm spot on my bed. My room suddenly became a rather darker place and almost unrecognizable, Billies presence had lifted the environment so much that I hadn't noticed how dark it really was outside.

The rain clouds that had accumulated were nearly black and the sun was completely gone. I took this as a sign that things were not to go as planned. I buried myself back into my blankets and let the time go by. My phone woke me from my light sleep and I searched around for the load object. I counted over ten messages and finally found it.

Daisy (10)

My mind began to race as daisy hasn't texted me this much since she broke up with her boyfriend in ninth grade. I began to panic and unlocked my phone.

Daisy: is Billie at ur house??? 4:58

Do you know where Billie is? 4:58

Cmon Noah fuckin respond 4:59

My heart picked up a quickened pace once again as I turned the texts over in my head. I didn't even know daisy had any connection with her. The interaction between the two had confused me but I hadn't put much thought into it. I've know daisy for most of my life and to see something like this happening definitely confused me. I hurriedly tapped into my phone.

She was here a few minutes ago? Why??

I waited in anticipation for the reply.

Daisy: I got into some deep shit with her, it would take a while to understand. Do you know where she went?

These messages perplexed me further and jolted me to press her for information.

No I don't know where she went? Can you come by or atleast explain something??

My heart felt heavy as I worried for both my friend and Billie. I got out of my bed and laced my shoes, throwing on a hoodie after. I sat at the counter in the kitchen to continue the conversation with daisy.

Daisy: Billies in some deep shit Noah.

My fingertips tapped repeatedly on the countertop, trying to analyze the messages displayed in front of me. I listened to the wind pushing the wind chime I had hung up the summer before around by the string it was attached by. My body shuddered and I waited for a my phone to signal. A rumbling sound came from outside my house and I anticipated
Daisy to come in and explain the situation. I faced the front door and waited. The door was thrown open to reveal my father with a paper bag full of groceries. I squinted at him, goddamnit perfect timing dad.

"I bought groceries." He said with a disappointed look on his face for this I was confused. He's always fucking disappointed, even if I told him what was going on he wouldn't give a fuck. He'd probably make me do something for him in spite of burdening him with my life.

He swung the fridge door open and stood in silence to analyze the contents. I presumed he would be glad that I had gotten food but his body language told me otherwise.

"What is all this shit in the fridge??"  He turned around to slam the door and look at me with his 'I'm trying to be intimidating' stare. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the staircase.

"I bought food because you didn't leave me with anything, why the hell do you have a problem with that?" I waited at the base of the stairs for a response.

"Fucking great Noah, I bought all these fucking groceries for you and now they're fucking wasted!" I saw his veins in his forehead and neck start to bulge, beads of sweat formed and streamed down his hairline.

My father always seemed to be on the verge of a mental breakdown over some of the stupidest things. I rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs to let him freak himself out in the kitchen. I was relieved he didn't follow me so I closed my door and sank into my bed. My phone hadn't buzzed and I kept opening the home screen just to make sure. My heart had finally ceased to beat irrationally but my mind still raced with possibilities.

I could hear my father thrashing around downstairs and gave me a pit of annoyance towards him. He's an adult, not some child that needs to throw a temper tantrum every time it doesn't go his way.

The familiar buzz from my phone caught my attention and I snatched it up from under my leg.

Billie 💕: can't txt u on this phone anymore,, meet me at the park?

The park was little over a mile from here and I always dreaded the walk but if Billie calls, I go. I dressed appropriately for the conditions outside and prepared myself to face whatever drama she had created for herself. I also had to deal with getting around my dad or I could slip out the window. I opted for the latter and pushed my window open. I heard my dad call from downstairs but chose to deal with the consequences later.

My boots were bogged down from the earlier downpour and I sunk into the mud as soon as I landed. I rolled my eyes and preyed my feet from the sludge, finally making it to the concrete.

The neighborhood was a dim grey as the large trees looked over, casting a more depressing tone. Most people would despise the environment but I found it rather calming, I smiled as I watched the snails and worms inch across the panels of concrete towards the grassy lawns. I counted my steps with the sound of sloshing, squeaking rubber of my soles. The clouds let a gentle sprinkle of rain trickle down while small patches of clouds broke to reveal a bright sun behind.

The park was a few hundred feet informant of me and the large cottonwood trees came into view. I was relieved to see Billies truck parked on the other side, opposite of where I was entering the park.  

Billie spotted me and waved lightly letting me know all's well. I took a sigh of relief and got into the passenger door. I rested my hand on the center console and sat in the comfortable silence. Billie places her hand atop of mine and rested her head on my shoulder. Amid all the confusion, she made me feel like everything was alright.

"We probably need to get out of here soon." She said quietly.

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