Captain Crunch

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I woke up to Billies hand wrapping around my waist and the gentle sunlight sifting through the parting of the curtains. I let out a steady breathe and rolled onto my back, feeling a content smile pull across my face. I had been waiting to wake up next to Bill like this for a while now, it's actually happening and I can barely believe what's mine.

The cabin we were staying at had wooden ceilings that I caught myself staring at for a bit longer than I should have. I couldn't help myself but just lay there and enjoy the time I had with Billie, my mind churned over what could possibly happen in the next 48 hours. I hoped I could at least get a few answers about what the fuck was going on.

I began stroking Billies soft forearm that rested on my exposed stomach. I listened to her resting breathing pattern for an extended amount of time before I finally convinced myself to get out of bed. I gently picked her arm up and placed it back onto the bed before heaving my body from the blankets. After getting my head on straight, I looked back and admired Billies perfect form resting in the bed. Her body was captivatingly enchanting and I had to force myself to look away. Dear god, please can this not be a dream?

I kicked the wooden door open and entered the open living room, I scanned the room and came to the conclusion that no one else was at the house. My stomach grumbled to remind me that eating was important, as it had slipped my mind. My eyes scanned the cabinets before I paced towards in search of the cereal.

I flipped the row of cabinets open one by one to finally find the cache of cereal, obviously obtained by a stoner, as it was one of the biggest cabinets full of a overwhelming variety. I stared at the choices that almost mesmerized me. I pulled out the box of Captain Crunch and stuffed my hand into the box. Getting a bowl and milk just seemed like too much work.

The cabin we were staying at was recognizably homey and i felt quite comfortable roaming around. The living room was barren except for a couch and a tv on the floor. I continued forward and let my weight drop back onto it. With my box of dry cereal and remote in hand, I turned the tv on and immediately opened the netflix app. I smiled to myself and switched on my favorite show.

After consuming what I thought was half the box, Billie emerged from the bedroom. Her light crystal colored blue eyes stung me. You would think since she just woke up, she would look slightly disorganized or something other than perfect, but all I could see was how perfect she looked. Maybe it was because I was madly in love with her, blinded by my feelings, I was ok with that. She stood in the door way, not taking her eyes off of me. Her eyes erupted a full body chill, I felt my cheeks heat up. A smile tugged on the corner of her mouth as she took steps towards me.

She had such an impact on me, something I've never felt the likes of from my past partners. Billie had something...special about her, something enchanting and fascinating. Whatever it was, I couldn't help but be consumed by her presence. As she made her was towards me, she landed her piercing eyes on me. I knew she saw how much control she had over me, I'm not sure if it was a good or bad thing, hopefully she wouldn't take advantage of it, because I trust her.

I let my eyes linger on her body as she stood between my legs, her hand ran up my neck and stopped at my cheek to hold it lightly. In this moment my heart is at peace. I closed my eyes to savor her touch, I could feel her eyes on me. About to open my eyes, I felt our lips connect and my heart skip a beat. I could really get use to this stuff.

"Enjoying your morning I see?" She said after pulling away from the kiss. I nodded shyly and placed the box of cereal on the floor, patting the cushion next to me for Bill to sit.

I FEEL BAD LEAVING U GUYS FOR LIKE 2 MONTHS and i couldn't keep writing this chapter but theres gonna b some juicy shit coming (im depressed and unmotivated ;) )

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