Hide Your Eyes Baby

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The cold air was biting my nose as I slowly pulled my eyes open, my back was aching and my leg was cramping.  I had fell asleep on Billie's head, on my lap.  I breathed in the scent of her fruit scented shampoo and let my head rest again on top of her silver hair.  She looked fucking stupid with her little pink nose resting on her hand, her body slumped over the center console.  That looked so extremely uncomfortable.  Her body was angled so her knees were rested against the drivers window.   The sun hadn't come up yet but was probably going to in the next hour or so.  It was early Friday morning.  The thought of school was so far out my mind.  I shifted my body so I felt like my leg wasn't going to fall off and picked Billie's off my lap and into my hands.  Gazing out the window, I watched her eyes blink open and draw a blank stare, she pulled her clammy cold hands out of mine and pulled her eyes to meet mine.

"Good morning love." she said with a pulling grin.  I rolled my eyes and pushed her breathy face away from mine. 

We had been stuck in this tiny ass jeep for over thirteen hours and my legs have definitely taken a toll, as I opened the tin can-like passenger door I cambered out and stretched, taking in the almost dawn morning sky.  The day, the hour, the year was all unknown to me, all I knew was that I had just spent  a night with this girl I undoubtebly had a crush on to smoke and drink and forget about my cats and my parents, the level of fucked I was, was not high enough to raise alarm but fucked enough to be groggy.  The biggest disturbance was that I only had roughly a gram of weed in my pocket and the majority of the rest at my house under my bed out of my access.  I turned back around and caught Billies, groggy morning, "I'm totally not looking at you " look.  

Her eyes were a hazey blue, matching the sky in one of those corny rom comz from the nineties.  She stuck her gaze on me and let her eye lids hood her eyes, her lazy smirk was honestly mesmerizing, of course annoying, but still got me stuck to her in the neediest way.  What a twat. 

"You want to get back into town? Because I'm starved and I don't know about you, but I kind of want to get cozy."  I gave her a squinted look and nodded.

I could feel the filth in my hair and wanted to shower as soon as possible, even better, get into some non skinny jean pants. 

Billie was sitting in the drivers seat with her forehead resting on the steering wheel, she looked like a tired dog, waiting to go home.  I have to admit she looked hella hot, with her messy hair and lazy looks she gave me over the course of the hour.  The early morning lights were starting to appear from the outskirts of town as I stared off in that direction,  the moon finally made its last appearance before it disappeared behind the tree covered hills that surrounded the area. I felt my heart beat continue to increase for reasons unknown to me.

"Where the hell are we actually going?" I said with a hesitant glance out the window.
"Your house maybe? I don't know maybe I could pick up some food and make breakfast at your place... if that's ok with you?" She sounded breathy and anxious, something I've never heard from her honestly. Her forehead was slightly wrinkled and I could tell she was anticipating a response.
"You want to cook at my house?"
I wanted to see if a could get her to admit something about herself, anything at this point because for the last few days, I have gotten nothing.
"Uh-uh,, I mean if that's ok, because I think it would be fun, but it's up to you." She continued to stammer.
"Sounds like a plan Stan." I said, coulda sworn I had hearts for eyes.

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