Back At That Shit

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Three years ago

By standing outside the rather distressed looking motor home, you could hear the yells and the noises coming from pans and other dish wear being broken and thrown around. The muffled angered voices echoed inside. Their neighbors only ignored this regular disturbance, it happened nightly.

Through the windows you could make out a large man standing in the kitchen, leaning on the counter after destroying their cabinets full of dishes. They laid about the ground shattered into dozens of pieces. The house was finally still after a routine night of chaos. His wife sat on the ground with her face in her hands. The man placed his eyes on her across the room.

"Pathetic piece of shit." He muttered before slamming the door after him and pulling out of the drive way in his banged up piece of shit car.

The house was quiet, the kids were in their rooms. The woman finally got up from her place on the floor and made her way to the only cabinet the man didn't touch. She pulled out a bottle and stumbled back to the couch, she deserved the treat, she thought to herself.

Down the hallway was Billies room. She sat on her bed after listening to the commotion outside. She was desensitized to this. It was normal wasn't it? Maybe every family goes through this? She thought to herself. Pulling her legs up to her chest, she started tracing circles into her legs out of boredom. He had taken her tv last night after making up a bullshit lie about how he found alcohol under her bed. He had to come up with some sort of excuse, she knew it was just because he had smashed his and couldn't bare to not be able to watch his stupid hockey game.

She sat in silence as she heard her mother get progressively more intoxicated. She rolled her eyes at the thought and laid back on the bed.

Her mother's boyfriend had been violent after a month of dating, he would get pissed off, throw a fit, then leave for a night, coming back to open fucking arms. She didn't associate much with him and tried to keep her interactions to the minimum. She hated the guy, with good reason.

Her brother was picking her up in the morning along with her father and she had to get some sleep. She stared at her ceiling, laying in the dark trying to sleep. Her mind only raced with the thoughts of the next day. The occurrences earlier didn't help her fall asleep either.

The last time Billie saw her brother or her father was over nine months ago after one of the plans had gone wrong. She use to see them regularly after her mom left him. Her mom never said much about them after they disappeared and as far as she knew, they were as good as dead.

After a few hours of silence, the house stood still with the crisp spring air running through the open windows, breezing through the papers on the desk, rustling them quietly. Billies breathing finally stabilized  and as she finally fell asleep.

Billies eyes opened widely as she noticed the cool morning sun filtered through the window. She panicked momentarily but was comforted after seeing it was 6:15. Forty five minutes to go. She missed the adrenaline that was given with the presence of her sibling along with her dad, probably not the most common reason a girl would miss her family.

She swung her feet over the side of her bed and drew in a deep breath before waking up fully. Satisfied, she got up and started to get ready. Finally she could open up the duffel bag she had pushed under the bed and ignored for months. She knelt on the floor to reach the bag. Her fingers grasped at the floorboard until she felt the familiar fabric. She dragged the heafty bag out and lifted it onto the bed. The zipper slid along the track and revealed her gear. Her heart beat heightened as she pulled the clothes out.

Under the pairs of solid black garments were her treasured possessions, a matte black army knife and a matching colt .45. Her smile was wide on her face and her eyes glimmered slightly. Staring at the weapons momentarily, she remembered she had to get ready.

The mirror reflected Billies outfit as she checked herself out.
"I look fucking hot"
She said under her breath. Black hoodie, black cargo pants, and black military boots. It felt good to be back in the shit. Her knife was strapped into her boot with her pistol stuck in her belt. They would be here in ten minutes.

Slumping back onto the bed, she kicked the duffel back under the bed and waited. Her phone sat on the bedside table as she watched it silently for the text. Of course her father wouldn't pick her up at the house so getting the text on time was kinda important.

The phone buzzed loudly and she quickly grabbed it from the table and stepped towards her door. It squeaked obnoxiously but she ignored it and crept out the front door.

After pulling her phone out of her pocket, she was given directions to the bridge. With a quickened pace, she got to the bridge in under five minutes and spotted a black BMW with dark tinted windows. They must have upgraded from the last time she had seen them, also probably was a good idea as the car they were driving before was on high alert after the fuck up.

She pulled the door closed after her and slid to the middle seat in the back. The car was silent for a minute before her brother swung his head back to greet her with a wide smile.

"Hey lil sis, how you getting on?"
He smiled through his fucked up teeth and stared blankly at her. His crystal blue eyes were bright, matching hers almost perfectly.

"I don't think you have the rights to call me "lil" if you were born four minutes before me." She remarked with playful attitude.

"Yeah Yeah whatever Billie, it's good to see your dumbass face again." He said with a chuckle and sat back into his seat. With that, the car lurked forward and sped onto the highway.

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