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I felt billies head rest slightly on my shoulder momentarily and turned the sexually spurred moment into something sweet. I didn't know she was capable of something like that and honestly I enjoyed the power she had over the room. She peppered light kisses where her head was resting and I felt like I was in the best place I could possible be at this moment.
Billies hand slid down my waist and made me shiver. I took in a large breath as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I decided to take it this time, as much as I wanted to continue this moment I knew it could be detrimental to it as well.

Dad: where are you?? 7:50 pm

"Fuck" I uttered under my breathe.

I slid the message open and let the keyboard stare at me blankly.

Billie slid behind my and reached her hands to grasp my waist, I felt secure with her firm grip around me.

I typed out "do you want me home?"

Dad: door is locked I'm in Washington with your mother.

I squinted at the message, trying to decipher it.

"That mean you're staying?" Billie almost whispered in my ear.

" I mean, it seems like it." I scanned my eyes around the room and spotted a couch beside the tv.

"Sounds good." Billie murmured almost as she didn't care again. It slightly pissed me off but I didn't want it to throw my whole mood off.

"I could take the couch." I questioned trying to keep the annoyed look off my face.

Billie gave me a playful smile.

" I don't think that will be necessary." Her eyes narrowed and blatantly looked me up and down. I saw she was admiring me and I didn't mind it.

"No, yea I mean sounds good." I said nervously. " do you have a uh bathroom?" I said with a panicky voice.

She smirked at my nervousness and pointed towards the blanket door. So helpful amirite?

I escaped her gaze behind the blanket and made my way up the stairs into the house. I found the bathroom and remembered why I even needed to go. Right, I wanted to make myself at least slightly presentable in case I had to meet her parents. I'm sure they were good people, well, they did put their kid in the garage, but you never know. I fidgeted with my hair for a few moments and washed my hands. Today had been an adventurous for sure.

The door unlocked and I swung the door open, trying to make my getaway back to the garage as quick as possible. I heard Billies voice come from the kitchen.

"No! I don't have anyone over! I swear to god if you actually cared ? Right." The tone in her voice was angry but I've never heard it before, it put my heart down before I shut the door behind me. I didn't know if I should get out of her room or stay. I don't think this is going to get her in trouble.

The house shook slightly and I heard footsteps coming towards the garage. I looked around the room and decided to leave out the back door. I closed it behind me quietly but stayed close to it.

"I fucking told you mom, I don't have anyone over." I gave a sigh of relief knowing I did the right thing.

The door swung open and I jumped slightly.

" I thought you left." Billie stared at me with a blank expression.

I glared at her. " yea I can." I turned on me heel and made my way in the direction I hoped was town.

"No no I didn't mean it like that!" Billie said hoarsely, trying to keep her voice down.

"I'm sorry it's just, I didn't know my mom was home and I just want to get out of here." She placed her hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes.

I remained quiet and kicked at the gravel. Billie started twisting her finger in my hair. I felt her eyes hover on me. She pulled her face close to mine and I felt her breathe lightly on my cheek. She placed her lips gently on mine and we held the moment in the air. I pulled away after seeing the curtain move slightly in the window.

"T-t-the window." I stuttered.

"Uh get in my car, I'll be right back." She brought her hand down my arm, reassuring me.

The front door slammed and I saw her disappear. I clunked the passenger door closed and started to rub my hands together to warm them up. It was getting too cold for my liking and pretty soon I assumed it would start snowing. I looked to the house but could only make out shadows inside. Billie reappeared and trotted towards the car.

"Fuck that." She growled.

I shifted back in my seat and closed my eyes.

"your family sounds stressful."

"Not my family." She growled even more menacingly.

I leaned on the window and tried to ignore the comment. I didn't know what she meant behind it and didn't want to start shit.

The car peeled out of the driveway and started to speed down the road.

"Do you always drive like this?" I said studying the water vapor coming out of her mouth.

"Yea" she snapped.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. The sun had already set and the town seemed to go down with it. Barely any lights were on and I assumed we were driving to my house. My dad said the doors were locked and I didn't bother to get a key this morning. I shoved the problem to the back of my head. I didn't want to bring it up until Billie calmed down. She didn't always drive like this, I knew better than that. She was pissed off and driving like a maniac, nearly seventy in town. The car screeched around the corner and we entered the street along where the turn off to my street was.

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