Uncomfortable Decisions

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The class periods drug on, and as lunch drew nearer my decision had to be made. The enticing thought of not spending the evening lonely and stoned, but with company and stoned, seemed more appealing but the fact that it would be the company of Billie turned me off. Knowing I would probably give into my pride and say yes I was still fighting the thoughts.

Lunch bell rang with its metallic twang at the end. Signature Oregon school bell of course. I took myself down the stairs and enters the lunch room. I located my familiar table and slumped down into the bench. Yeah, I had friends I just didn't , actually, well, like, hang out with them, just at lunch. They eventually filled up the seats, we all cracked open our variety of lunches and started bargaining ( our lunch ritual) I traded my chips for a calzone, so I settled for this.

I eyed down the hair and face of Billie, as she made her way towards the table, all my friends whooped and raised their eye brows, they loved to pretend I have a thing for her, of course bullshit.
She shoved me over and sat down, this was unusual, she usually just stands and bugs me for a good five minutes and leaves. She didn't say anything but I saw her cocky smile reach across her face.

I knew all my friends liked her, I wish they hated her as much as I did and we could all collectively beat her up.
" sooooo what do you think of the plans?"
She slid her words through her teeth.
My friends responded by wooing and wiggling their eyebrows like a munch of middle schoolers.
"I don't know ok so just fuck off bill "

"Oh?? Are we using nicknames now, babbbbyyyy?"
She drew the last word out and made a pouty face.
I felt my face turn red, knowing I really did want to actually get to know her. She was in control of this situation and that drove me nuts.
"I'm fucking done with you!"
I said, throwing my lunch into her white shorts. I could fucking tell she was smirking as I stormed off to the bathroom. Of course she followed.
I slammed the bathroom stall door and locked myself inside. I waited for footsteps I knew were to come but I stood in the bathroom silence with an occasional drip of water from the sinks. I waited for a good five minutes before I exited the stall. I looked around and found no Billie, my mind landed on the result, I wanted her to console me! Why the fuck would I ever want her to follow me after she just fucking pissed me off?? What was I thinking ??!! Was I really this pathetic to be thirsty for attention of this person ? Jesus fuck I'm low.
I kicked the trash can and sat myself in the corner out of anger. Fine, you know what ? Fine. I don't know what I'm saying fine to but just fine. I let my head cool down so I could actually talk without screaming.
I made my way back to my table, I made out Billie sitting eating my lunch. I sat down with a noticeable angry sigh. Just before I was going to complain about my lunch and how much of a dick she is, she pushed over a bag of butter popcorn. I was done.

"You know billie, yea ok we can hang out, but you're a dick for eating my lunch ."
I collected myself and didn't get red, that's progress.
"Well you're a dick for throwing it at me."
Of course a witty comeback but this time she didn't put on her smirk but instead continued munching.
I nodded and started eating my bag of popcorn. She stood up and left after only five minutes of me sitting there. I don't know what I was expecting but maybe a response? Oh well, I fucking tried.

The bell rang and the rest of the day progressed.

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