After School

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The last class came to an end and again the metallic bell rang. Everybody rushed to squeeze out of the door but I sat still in my chair. My eyes drifted out of the window onto the wet asphalt, whereas my mind fell on the subject of Billie, of course. Her eyes stared me down and pierced my stomach. I felt sick for a moment and nocked myself out of the daydream. Getting up and grabbing my bag I waved a goodbye to my teacher and slipped out the door.
My stomach twisted as I walked closer to my locker, knowing who was going to be standing there.
Confirming my suspicion I saw the back of the fucking dyke I agreed to chill with. Opening up my locker, she turns around and stares into my locker without making eye contact.
"Uh hello?"
I sounded desperate.
"Hey ."
Billie responded in a particularly monotone voice.
Unable to detect a mood, I continued with my question.
"So uh are we going to chill bro ?"
I sounded like a teen boy talking to his crush.
" uh huh, you lead the way baby."
Again monotone.
I closed my locker and tried to act cool, I made my way through the doors and stuck my hands into my pockets, facing the rainy air and grasping my pipe, making sure I hadn't left it.

We walked in silence as we waded through the boggy field. Although Billie puts off a "I don't give a fuck" attitude, I could tell she was retching as her white and grey Nikes got grass and mud covered, not to mention her face.
I smiled to myself, knowing for once I have control of the situation, this gave me a surge of confidence.

"So,,,, billie ? Plans?"
I waited an answer as we got out of the field and got to the cement on the way to my hidy hole.
She stopped in the middle of the side walk and started to wipe off her shoes, resuming her usual dickhead attitude. I rolled my eyes and waited for her.
"I don't know uh maybe we get fucking blasted and take it from there?"
She made a facial expression saying that she knows what's going to happen, while I, had no clue. We continued our walk.

Arriving at the abandoned neighborhood I stopped and let her keep walking a few steps until she saw I was behind. She turned around and walked back to me.
"Uhm do you live here??"
She raised an eyebrow.
"No dumbass, this is where I hangout."
She connected the dots and followed me as I pushed back the branches to my little dumpster hangout spot.
We plopped down and I grabbed my pipe and stash, she pulled out a blue lighter with "ocean eyes" written on it. I packed.
" can I uh use ur lite?"
She reached over and proceeded to light the bowl for me.
"Pretty girls don't light their own weed."
I detest but went with it.
Passing the bowl I felt my heart start to pound, it echoed through my head, this, of course, was not unusual for pot but this time it was a bit more elevated.
Probably five minutes went by and I finally caught myself staring at her suck down the smoke she made, when she passed the bowl and woke me. She smirked and grabbed my attention with her piercing eyes.
"Take the bowl looser."
She placed it into my hands ever so gently.
We continued passing the bowl until it was burned through.
"Wana pack another?"
Billie said as her effort to light the pipe was useless. She stared at my lips for longer than she probably thought.
" sure bill. "
I proceeded to pack it again. She leaned back on the trash can into a dominant slouch, not to mention intriguing. I watched her eyes drift from the sunlight through the leaves to my lips.
She knew what she was doing, and she was a cunt.
I snatched the lighter out of her hand and lit the bowl. Her face turned into a annoyed tilt, seeing that her tricks aren't working.
We continued to finish the bowl. And I stuck it back into my pocket.

We exited my spot and made our way down the road. Billie walked next to me almost brushing my hand with her soft pale fingers. My eyes drifted up her body and to her face, she had a bored almost bitchy look on her face but I knew she didn't mean it. Her face was pale but had flushed cheeks and red lips, her lack of makeup was appealing to me, like an effortless perfection.

She exhaled, tripping over a indentation in the road. I couldn't help but laugh, she shot me a dirty look.

My little house came into view at the end of the street, wedged in between the rest of the homes.

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